To-do lists

Your Guide to Holiday Prep Without the Hassle

Are you ready for Christmas?

I absolutely love the time of year between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. From getting to spend time with my family and kids to going through our different holiday traditions, it’s one of my favorite times of year. 

But it can also be pretty stressful. 

I used to spend a lot of that time running around like a crazy person. Between Christmas shopping and trying to spend time with my family from all over, it was really insane. I loved it, but it was stressful! I mean, there were several years when I was still in a mall shopping on Christmas Eve, which isn’t exactly ideal for fostering the Christmas spirit. And that was even before I had kids!

At some point, I realized there had to be a better way. So I came up with several strategies for getting organized for the holiday season and they totally tamed the chaos. I’ll be going into more detail in the weeks to come, but here’s an overview of how to get started prepping for the holidays.

  • Prep early! I like to do a lot of my holiday prep in November, when my calendar isn’t nearly as jam packed. That way, when the holiday season is in full swing, I am free to enjoy my favorite parts of it – like going to see Christmas lights with my kids and reading Christmas books – without worrying about all the work I still have to do. And, if you’ve knocked off most of your to-do-list ahead of time, you can be more spur-of-the-moment when the opportunity arises, like watching that Christmas movie you stumbled upon on the Hallmark Channel, or even taking a short Christmas vacation.

  • Keep (and review) a holiday journal. Collect and organize your holiday ideas year-round. You can use a notebook, a Google Doc, a Pinterest board, or whatever works for you. I love using my Pinterest board and making categories for various holiday-related things I like to do, like cookie swaps and Thanksgiving food. But your idea log is only useful if you remember to review it at the very beginning of the holiday season, lest those aspirations wither in cyberspace. So when you’re ready to get started on your holiday planning, go through all your saved ideas and make a new list (or Pinterest board) of the ones you want to actually do this year.

  • Think through your planned activities. When I’m sitting down and scheduling things, I always force myself to really think about whether it will be a good experience for my family and me. For example, I’ve learned that wrapping Christmas presents with my kids is pretty stressful, so I set aside a couple of evenings after their bedtime to pour a glass of wine and get wrapping on my own. But everyone has a blast decorating the Christmas tree together, so I plan that as a Saturday afternoon family affair. 

  • Consider where you want to be spending your time. There are only so many days in the holiday season, so we have to pick and choose what to do with our precious time. I always save a little “me time” during this period. Having a pedicure is my little reward for getting all the prep work done, and I truly enjoy reading certain books during the holidays, like Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. Also think about the organizations you’re involved in and whether you want to participate in any of their holiday events, like a cookie swap or cocktail party. And if you’re in a relationship, you might want to plan some quality time with your special person.

  • Set a budget and plan to save. Regardless of the size of your budget, it’s always smart to make conscious decisions about how much you want to spend on gifts, food, travel, decorations, etc., and, if necessary, make a plan for saving that money ahead of time. Thinking through where you want to spend your dollars usually leads to more thoughtful gift-giving and less buyer’s remorse when post-holiday reality sets in.

  • Don’t forget about your health. It’s easy to neglect your health during this time of year, but that just leaves you starting off the New Year with more work to do. So take some time to think about how you can keep yourself feeling good. For me, it’s about not eating too much sugar, but I do love to bake, so I share the treats with others. I also never miss workouts during the holidays. The exact steps will vary from person to person, but the important thing is to make a plan that you can actually stick with. Modest and doable is better than aspirational and unrealistic.

  • Talk about traditions. Holiday traditions are great, but sometimes we just do things because we’ve always done them. Sit down with your family/spouse/friends and talk about what you actually want to do. One decision-making trick is to have everyone list the top three things they’d be disappointed if they didn’t do, and then only do those. If any of the things on the list are really stressful, like cutting down your own tree, brainstorm a good substitute, like taking a family trip to pick out the tree and stopping for hot apple cider on the way home.  

I always find that planning ahead really lets you make the most of the holiday season. It’s a time investment up front that gives you the freedom to spend your time doing whatever you want once the season is upon us. Do you have tips and tricks for making the holidays less stressful? Share them in the comments below!

My 2016 To-do List

Okay, this is beyond embarrassing.  I'm miss, set goals, gof or it and it is March 1st and I still haven't written all of my goals down and I started this before January 1st. back where I started.

This to do list is particularly exciting for me to put together.  Last year I was a little lost when it came to this sort of thing.  My husband wasn't overly happy with his occupation and we were sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop to see what what happened.  We were also undecided as to whether we were going to go for a third child.  So as much as I loved 2015's to do list it was a little sketchy.  This year however is launching us into the new world.  My husband has started his own general contracting business and we're expecting our third child in any day now.  

(One of the reasons that I was dragging my feet on this was simply because I couldn't figure out how to organize it...duh.  Just do it.  Its a to-do list for heaven's sake.)

Focus on: 
Be Mindful of Sleep
Practice patience, with meditation
Integrate EO into cleaning and immune
Be Mindful of my body as a strong vessel that carries babies, feeds them and can be strong
Be Mindful of Food as Fuel

Organize drawings/pictures by kids
Put grandmother's recipes into cookbook
Start playing music again- As in the oboe. 
Learn how to use a real camera, get a real camera.  Take on line course in photography.  
Finish hanging things in the house
Renovate kitchen
Organize photos (specifically, photo albums, discs, etc.)
Implement use of Passion Planner

Complete the following:
Instagram Impact
Chalene's Push
John Maxwell Leadership Group
Franklin Covey Course
Know Myself Better
De-Clutter My Life
Cope with a Difficult Person
Quit Yelling at My Kids
The Relationship Challenge
Take a Camera Course
Workshop with Cara
Workshop with Gabrielle, Miracles

Read 40 books

Business goals:
$1000 per week
5 star Diamond
2 coaches per month
Move Nick to Diamond 
Circle of Excellence
Pay down debt (I've written these specific goals for myself)
Hire a cleaning lady by years end
Monthly pedicures

Fitness goals:
Complete PiYo
Complete Hammer and Chissel
Complete 22 Minute Hard Corp
Complete 3 5k races
Complete 1 5 mile/10k race
Complete RW Half Marathon
Certify as PiYo Instructor
Average 10,000 steps per day (Post baby)

Let's Review

Before I present my To-Do List for 2016 I wanted to evaluate my To-Do List for last year.  I like to make 3 month goals, 6 month goals, 9 month goals and 12 month goals.  I also do 3 year and 5 year goals.  Last year was a tough one with the long term goals because we didn't know if we would go for Baby no. 3 and my husband had a drop he didn't love and we knew a change was coming.  Now those things are a bit more settled I am really excited to get these goals on paper.  Before I do that though I need to evaluate how I did last year and what might need to be added for next year!  

Complete 2 Half marathons, 1 15k, 3 5ks, 1 10k  (All but the 10k are on the calendar.)-  Okay, I did 1 15k, 1 half marathon, 2 5ks...then I got pregnant.  Its not an excuse for everyone but its an excuse for me.  
Complete 21 Day Fix Extreme and Insanity Max 30- Done and Done!
Run 730 miles.- Sort of lost count and of course, I've lost the last two months with no running.  I have walked a lot I just don't have a way to keep track.
Walk 10,000 steps per day.- Working on it every day and will continue this in 2016.

Use all of my volunteer/pro bono days at work.- I only used 1.5 hours so this is once again on the to do list for 2016.
Involve my family in 1 community service project per month.- I need to sit down and make a list to see if we've reached this goal but I do not that we have kept this in our focus and for the month of December the Advent Calendar Countdown with Kindness was a huge bonus.  

Incorporate essential oils into our families lives, at the very least into cleaning supplies.- I know what I want and I just need to buy it. 
Create a dream board.- This was never made so its on the to do list for 2016 but that being said I have started working on it and I've begun making a list of what I want on it.  
Incorporate meditation into my daily routine.- Mediation is not part of my daily routine but it has become a small part of my life.  Still working on it. Gratitude has become a part of my daily routine and that has changed everything. 

Take better care of my skin, specifically, hands, face, and neck- Started using Derm Exclusive.

Organize boys memory boxes.- Check!
Update the baby books,- I'm giving myself to the 4th...must check this off.
Make the following photo books:  Alexander year 1, Year of 2014, Honeymoon, European vacation.- All but the European vacation is done!  Photos organized for 2015 as well.  
Organizing filing- About 75% of the way there.   

Start playing the oboe again- :( 

Complete Pop Sugar Reading Challenge- No and what I realized is that this has been too complicated.  I'll be re-evaluating a goal like this for 2016.  
10 minutes of Personal Development Each Day- Yes!  This has been amazing!
Complete nutrition/diet courses.- Yes!!!
Learn how to take good photos of the family with more than just an iPhone.- Nope. :(
Be consistent with posting on this very blog more often.- Yes!  (As evidenced by this post.)

On a side note, these are my personal goals.  My professional goals and financial goals will be in another post when I talk more about my dream board...or when I figure them out.  Well okay, here are a few.

Take my Beachbody business to the next level (One Star Diamond) by continuing to help others.- Yes!  I made it with two weeks to spare. 
Evaluate my current job to make sure I find it fulfilling.- Yes!
Pay off Private Law School loans.- Yes!
Figure out where the extra payment from the law school loans should go.- No but I finally have a budget I'm following.
Incorporate Dave Ramsey's Plan into our house.- Using Mint and some online sources to start this.

A To-do List for My Subconscious

I have read over and over again that writing your goals/resolutions down make them more likely to be achieved.  Even better, telling someone else will help you accomplish those goals.  This is why people keep journals and create dream boards.  Like I said, I have read this over and over again.  Its all about visualizing what you want and then getting it.  Whether you are consciously working towards your goals or not, your subconscious long as it knows what you want.  The purpose is to fill your subconscious with positive thoughts, goals and images.  Writing your goals down, making a dream board, these are tangible representations of where you want to go.

Well, I "know" all this, but I must say I have never really, completely bought into this theory.  Until a few days ago that is.  A few days ago I was rereading an old journal (Have you ever done that?  Very humbling, and pretty funny.)  This particular journal focused on my husband and my honeymoon to Australia.  I was simply reading it to find out the places we ate at so I could make suggestions to a friend traveling to Australia.  It was all well and good until I came across this statement:

"For me, Lizard Island and Australia, made me want to take better care of my whole self, both inside and out.  Listen to more music- do tai chi and yoga, eat healthier.  Less concern about calories and more about healthy food.  

I am also more interested in finding a fulfilling job.  Law, yes, but a different, better kind of law."

So this is what I was thinking and what I wrote down on November 1,2008,  I don't know that when I went back to work and home that I was actively reaching these goals.  In fact, I went back to work and eventually changed jobs to a position that was decidedly not more fulfilling and my focus moved not toward me but to starting a family.  All along, my subconscious has been working because as of today I do in fact have a much more fulfilling job.  A job I love in fact.  And not just my day job, but my time spent as beachbody coach helps me live a healthier life.  I might not be as thin as I was but I am healthier.  No more sweetners in my life.  I focus on eating whole foods for both my family and myself.  We live a greener life, with the main cleaner in our house being vinegar vs. chemicals.  I pay attention to what comes into my home, perhaps because of the little people who also inhabit it but the result is the same.  We do live healthier lives.  As we speak, my work out program is a combination of yoga and running.  And yes, I do listen to more music.  (My little buddies are huge music fans.)

Perhaps it took 6 years, but for those last 6 years my subconscious has been quite busy.  If writing a random comment in my journal could do so much what would some focused writing do?  What would, dare I say, a dream board do?  I suppose there is only one way to find out.  If you're looking for me this weekend, I'll be the one cutting pictures out of magazines, making a to do list for my subconscious.  

My Monthly Goals/To-do List

How do you set goals?  What do you?  We are 5 months into the year already.  Can you believe it?  That means we have had 5 months to reach our New Years resolutions.  How many have you completed?  How many have you kept up?  Are you still doing what you said you are going to do?

I'm all for goals.  I love them.  They are like big to-do lists and I LOVE to-do lists.  Nothing is as satisfying to me as checking something off my lists.  But resolutions put this weird focus on timing and sometimes I think we put other peoples ideas of what our goals should be rather than our own.  You know, pay off debt, lose weight, etc.  While that is often my goals the cliche of it at the new year steals some of the fun.  I also like my goals to be very specific.  Not just lose weight, but get fit, get healthy and do that by completely X work out program.

This was my 2014 To-do List.

  1. Complete T25.
  2. Complete P90X3.
  3. Complete a combo work out of T25/P90X3
  4. Run a Labor Day 5k.
  5. Run the Walk for Wishes in October.
  6. Run the Beauty and the Beach 5 miler in November.
  7. Read the following: Passage to India, Beloved, Team of Rivals, The Good Earth.  (All books I've started and haven't finished.
  8. Continue to pay down loans and debt without creating new debt.
  9. Write more.  

These are great resolutions.  In fact I've already crossed the first one off the list and I'm actively (as I type this) working on the 9th.  But these resolutions are short sited.  Since I wrote this list, I have returned to work from maternity leave, started a new business venture, signed up for another 5k (in two weeks, wish me luck!) and added a number of books to my list.  I've also added a bunch of other personal development goals.  This list just doesn't do the trick.

Recently I had the opportunity to be part of an organizing challenge lead by Morgan from  It was a fantastic experience and while I learned many things, one of my favorite tips I noticed was setting monthly goals.  Not just monthly goals in our heads but ones I write down and post next to my bed.  This practice is something I can get my head around.  Goals written down are more successful than goals you keep in your head.  Goals you tell your friends are even better.

With that in mind, here is my to do list for the month of June.

  1. Complete The Valerie Fund 5k
  2. Continue eating a clean, dairy free, grain free, sugar free diet.  
  3. Complete reading one (just one) of the above books.
  4. Complete reading one of my personal development books.
  5. Some personal matters- get the family dental appointments scheduled.  (not exciting, but necessary)
  6. Continue to write, write, write.  Both here and on our Healthy Living Facebook page.  
  7. Fill my freezer!  

That seems like enough to keep me busy.  Of course, I have weekly and daily goals (make the bed!) but these are for another day.  For now, it is June 1st and I have written down my goals and shared them.  I'm halfway there.

What is on your to-do list for the month of June?

- Tovah