
Your Guide to Holiday Prep Without the Hassle

Are you ready for Christmas?

I absolutely love the time of year between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. From getting to spend time with my family and kids to going through our different holiday traditions, it’s one of my favorite times of year. 

But it can also be pretty stressful. 

I used to spend a lot of that time running around like a crazy person. Between Christmas shopping and trying to spend time with my family from all over, it was really insane. I loved it, but it was stressful! I mean, there were several years when I was still in a mall shopping on Christmas Eve, which isn’t exactly ideal for fostering the Christmas spirit. And that was even before I had kids!

At some point, I realized there had to be a better way. So I came up with several strategies for getting organized for the holiday season and they totally tamed the chaos. I’ll be going into more detail in the weeks to come, but here’s an overview of how to get started prepping for the holidays.

  • Prep early! I like to do a lot of my holiday prep in November, when my calendar isn’t nearly as jam packed. That way, when the holiday season is in full swing, I am free to enjoy my favorite parts of it – like going to see Christmas lights with my kids and reading Christmas books – without worrying about all the work I still have to do. And, if you’ve knocked off most of your to-do-list ahead of time, you can be more spur-of-the-moment when the opportunity arises, like watching that Christmas movie you stumbled upon on the Hallmark Channel, or even taking a short Christmas vacation.

  • Keep (and review) a holiday journal. Collect and organize your holiday ideas year-round. You can use a notebook, a Google Doc, a Pinterest board, or whatever works for you. I love using my Pinterest board and making categories for various holiday-related things I like to do, like cookie swaps and Thanksgiving food. But your idea log is only useful if you remember to review it at the very beginning of the holiday season, lest those aspirations wither in cyberspace. So when you’re ready to get started on your holiday planning, go through all your saved ideas and make a new list (or Pinterest board) of the ones you want to actually do this year.

  • Think through your planned activities. When I’m sitting down and scheduling things, I always force myself to really think about whether it will be a good experience for my family and me. For example, I’ve learned that wrapping Christmas presents with my kids is pretty stressful, so I set aside a couple of evenings after their bedtime to pour a glass of wine and get wrapping on my own. But everyone has a blast decorating the Christmas tree together, so I plan that as a Saturday afternoon family affair. 

  • Consider where you want to be spending your time. There are only so many days in the holiday season, so we have to pick and choose what to do with our precious time. I always save a little “me time” during this period. Having a pedicure is my little reward for getting all the prep work done, and I truly enjoy reading certain books during the holidays, like Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. Also think about the organizations you’re involved in and whether you want to participate in any of their holiday events, like a cookie swap or cocktail party. And if you’re in a relationship, you might want to plan some quality time with your special person.

  • Set a budget and plan to save. Regardless of the size of your budget, it’s always smart to make conscious decisions about how much you want to spend on gifts, food, travel, decorations, etc., and, if necessary, make a plan for saving that money ahead of time. Thinking through where you want to spend your dollars usually leads to more thoughtful gift-giving and less buyer’s remorse when post-holiday reality sets in.

  • Don’t forget about your health. It’s easy to neglect your health during this time of year, but that just leaves you starting off the New Year with more work to do. So take some time to think about how you can keep yourself feeling good. For me, it’s about not eating too much sugar, but I do love to bake, so I share the treats with others. I also never miss workouts during the holidays. The exact steps will vary from person to person, but the important thing is to make a plan that you can actually stick with. Modest and doable is better than aspirational and unrealistic.

  • Talk about traditions. Holiday traditions are great, but sometimes we just do things because we’ve always done them. Sit down with your family/spouse/friends and talk about what you actually want to do. One decision-making trick is to have everyone list the top three things they’d be disappointed if they didn’t do, and then only do those. If any of the things on the list are really stressful, like cutting down your own tree, brainstorm a good substitute, like taking a family trip to pick out the tree and stopping for hot apple cider on the way home.  

I always find that planning ahead really lets you make the most of the holiday season. It’s a time investment up front that gives you the freedom to spend your time doing whatever you want once the season is upon us. Do you have tips and tricks for making the holidays less stressful? Share them in the comments below!

How to Eat Healthy with your Family

By Christi Ryan

How to eat healthy with your family is something that is on the top of many parents’ minds.  One of the main obstacles with healthy eating is family objections. Family members complain about having chicken and push away greens on their plates; after a while it’s tempting to give up on the idea of healthy eating.
It helps to be very “middle of the road” when turning your lifestyle around and expecting your family to join you. Don’t start having food wars with them; it’s not worth the turmoil and frustration. However there are some things you can do to make them happy while still eating healthy.

How To Eat Healthy With Your Family

*Modify your favorite recipes. For instance, use lean ground beef, drain and pat dry or rinse it.  Serve chicken breast for fajitas, use less cheese in mixed dishes, and serve raw veggies as a side dish; use your crockpot and bake or broil instead of frying.
*It doesn’t work to prepare a healthy meal for you and a separate meal for your family. You will burn out quickly doing that! Serve a balanced diet and allow each person to choose how much and what they want. For instance, if the family requests pot roast, pick a leaner cut of meat, and then fix a salad and another green veggie and serve.
Many of them may only have meat and potatoes and you may only have the meat, salad and green veggie, but you all basically eat the same meal. If they want you to make their favorite enchilada casserole smothered in cheese, modify it and then make yourself a large salad to have on the side while keeping your portion of casserole smaller.
*Sliced veggies and fruit go over better. When school activities are bombarding your schedule, it’s OK to bring home a pizza (stay away from the fatty meats or deep dish). Cut up some carrots, slice up an apple and pear or purchase a veggie tray to have along side your pizza. It will help you to keep portions controlled.
*Refuse to be a restaurant!  Serve the meal, allow kids to eat what they want and how much they want without nagging or criticizing. Your job as a parent is to serve healthy and regular meals and snacks. Their job is to choose how much and what they eat. Forcing kids to eat isn’t worth it.
*Include the family in the meal planning.  If your family has a say in meal options, they will be more cooperative. Agree to try a healthy recipe once a week.
*Plan ahead – plan the meal that’s the most difficult for YOU to control. When not with the family, make a point to choose the BEST choice.
*MODERATION! Eat smaller portions of fattier foods and larger portions of veggies and lean protein and you’ll keep your weight down and make your family happy.
Be patient. Eating healthy is a lifestyle and it takes a while for everyone to adjust. Follow a solid nutrition guide. Beachbody has amazing nutrition plans and is one that our family follows. If you follow these steps, “How To Eat Healthy With Your Family” there will never be a question again. Play it smart, include your family and you’ll get the results you want. A happy, healthy family!

Our Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes


In two days I leave for the Beachbody Coach Summit in Las Vegas.  I have been beyond excited planning this trip and getting ready for the last 6 months.  But it also means that I will be away from my little girl for the first time.  Since she was born we have had one night that we did not spend under the same roof (overnight at Grandma's).  She doesn't go to daycare so we are together all the time.  It also means that I will be away from my husband, and although we have had more weekends apart the last year due to work events, we too spend more time together than most couples because we work together.  The first 7 weeks after my daughter was born before I went back to work were extremely difficult because we were so used to being together ALL the time.

But all of that being said, I'm not as apprehensive as I thought I would be.  I started thinking why this was and realized that my Beachbody team has become like another family to me.  I have never met any of the coaches in person that will be at Summit, but I have spent countless hours on the phone, on video chats, and messaging with them.  I know what is going on in their lives and they know what is going on in mine.  They are there with support when I am having a bad day or feel like I have taken a step backward and are some of the first people to congratulate me and cheer me on when I accomplish one of my goals, no matter how small.  And to think that a year ago, none of them were in my life.

I love my "actual" family and wouldn't trade any of them for the world.  But family does not need to be your blood or relation by marriage.  Tovah was the first person that taught me that.....she has stuck by me from day one and I feel more comfortable with her than with almost anyone in the world.  But it amazes me as I go through life how this extended family of mine keeps growing.  I am honored that I have such a large family and love each and every one of you.