In two days I leave for the Beachbody Coach Summit in Las Vegas. I have been beyond excited planning this trip and getting ready for the last 6 months. But it also means that I will be away from my little girl for the first time. Since she was born we have had one night that we did not spend under the same roof (overnight at Grandma's). She doesn't go to daycare so we are together all the time. It also means that I will be away from my husband, and although we have had more weekends apart the last year due to work events, we too spend more time together than most couples because we work together. The first 7 weeks after my daughter was born before I went back to work were extremely difficult because we were so used to being together ALL the time.
But all of that being said, I'm not as apprehensive as I thought I would be. I started thinking why this was and realized that my Beachbody team has become like another family to me. I have never met any of the coaches in person that will be at Summit, but I have spent countless hours on the phone, on video chats, and messaging with them. I know what is going on in their lives and they know what is going on in mine. They are there with support when I am having a bad day or feel like I have taken a step backward and are some of the first people to congratulate me and cheer me on when I accomplish one of my goals, no matter how small. And to think that a year ago, none of them were in my life.
I love my "actual" family and wouldn't trade any of them for the world. But family does not need to be your blood or relation by marriage. Tovah was the first person that taught me that.....she has stuck by me from day one and I feel more comfortable with her than with almost anyone in the world. But it amazes me as I go through life how this extended family of mine keeps growing. I am honored that I have such a large family and love each and every one of you.