Before I present my To-Do List for 2016 I wanted to evaluate my To-Do List for last year. I like to make 3 month goals, 6 month goals, 9 month goals and 12 month goals. I also do 3 year and 5 year goals. Last year was a tough one with the long term goals because we didn't know if we would go for Baby no. 3 and my husband had a drop he didn't love and we knew a change was coming. Now those things are a bit more settled I am really excited to get these goals on paper. Before I do that though I need to evaluate how I did last year and what might need to be added for next year!
Complete 2 Half marathons, 1 15k, 3 5ks, 1 10k (All but the 10k are on the calendar.)- Okay, I did 1 15k, 1 half marathon, 2 5ks...then I got pregnant. Its not an excuse for everyone but its an excuse for me.
Complete 21 Day Fix Extreme and Insanity Max 30- Done and Done!
Run 730 miles.- Sort of lost count and of course, I've lost the last two months with no running. I have walked a lot I just don't have a way to keep track.
Walk 10,000 steps per day.- Working on it every day and will continue this in 2016.
Use all of my volunteer/pro bono days at work.- I only used 1.5 hours so this is once again on the to do list for 2016.
Involve my family in 1 community service project per month.- I need to sit down and make a list to see if we've reached this goal but I do not that we have kept this in our focus and for the month of December the Advent Calendar Countdown with Kindness was a huge bonus.
Incorporate essential oils into our families lives, at the very least into cleaning supplies.- I know what I want and I just need to buy it.
Create a dream board.- This was never made so its on the to do list for 2016 but that being said I have started working on it and I've begun making a list of what I want on it.
Incorporate meditation into my daily routine.- Mediation is not part of my daily routine but it has become a small part of my life. Still working on it. Gratitude has become a part of my daily routine and that has changed everything.
Take better care of my skin, specifically, hands, face, and neck- Started using Derm Exclusive.
Organize boys memory boxes.- Check!
Update the baby books,- I'm giving myself to the 4th...must check this off.
Make the following photo books: Alexander year 1, Year of 2014, Honeymoon, European vacation.- All but the European vacation is done! Photos organized for 2015 as well.
Organizing filing- About 75% of the way there.
Start playing the oboe again- :(
Complete Pop Sugar Reading Challenge- No and what I realized is that this has been too complicated. I'll be re-evaluating a goal like this for 2016.
10 minutes of Personal Development Each Day- Yes! This has been amazing!
Complete nutrition/diet courses.- Yes!!!
Learn how to take good photos of the family with more than just an iPhone.- Nope. :(
Be consistent with posting on this very blog more often.- Yes! (As evidenced by this post.)
On a side note, these are my personal goals. My professional goals and financial goals will be in another post when I talk more about my dream board...or when I figure them out. Well okay, here are a few.
Take my Beachbody business to the next level (One Star Diamond) by continuing to help others.- Yes! I made it with two weeks to spare.
Evaluate my current job to make sure I find it fulfilling.- Yes!
Pay off Private Law School loans.- Yes!
Figure out where the extra payment from the law school loans should go.- No but I finally have a budget I'm following.
Incorporate Dave Ramsey's Plan into our house.- Using Mint and some online sources to start this.