How do you set goals? What do you? We are 5 months into the year already. Can you believe it? That means we have had 5 months to reach our New Years resolutions. How many have you completed? How many have you kept up? Are you still doing what you said you are going to do?
I'm all for goals. I love them. They are like big to-do lists and I LOVE to-do lists. Nothing is as satisfying to me as checking something off my lists. But resolutions put this weird focus on timing and sometimes I think we put other peoples ideas of what our goals should be rather than our own. You know, pay off debt, lose weight, etc. While that is often my goals the cliche of it at the new year steals some of the fun. I also like my goals to be very specific. Not just lose weight, but get fit, get healthy and do that by completely X work out program.
This was my 2014 To-do List.
These are great resolutions. In fact I've already crossed the first one off the list and I'm actively (as I type this) working on the 9th. But these resolutions are short sited. Since I wrote this list, I have returned to work from maternity leave, started a new business venture, signed up for another 5k (in two weeks, wish me luck!) and added a number of books to my list. I've also added a bunch of other personal development goals. This list just doesn't do the trick.
Recently I had the opportunity to be part of an organizing challenge lead by Morgan from It was a fantastic experience and while I learned many things, one of my favorite tips I noticed was setting monthly goals. Not just monthly goals in our heads but ones I write down and post next to my bed. This practice is something I can get my head around. Goals written down are more successful than goals you keep in your head. Goals you tell your friends are even better.
With that in mind, here is my to do list for the month of June.
That seems like enough to keep me busy. Of course, I have weekly and daily goals (make the bed!) but these are for another day. For now, it is June 1st and I have written down my goals and shared them. I'm halfway there.
What is on your to-do list for the month of June?
- Tovah
I'm all for goals. I love them. They are like big to-do lists and I LOVE to-do lists. Nothing is as satisfying to me as checking something off my lists. But resolutions put this weird focus on timing and sometimes I think we put other peoples ideas of what our goals should be rather than our own. You know, pay off debt, lose weight, etc. While that is often my goals the cliche of it at the new year steals some of the fun. I also like my goals to be very specific. Not just lose weight, but get fit, get healthy and do that by completely X work out program.
This was my 2014 To-do List.
- Complete T25.
- Complete P90X3.
- Complete a combo work out of T25/P90X3
- Run a Labor Day 5k.
- Run the Walk for Wishes in October.
- Run the Beauty and the Beach 5 miler in November.
- Read the following: Passage to India, Beloved, Team of Rivals, The Good Earth. (All books I've started and haven't finished.
- Continue to pay down loans and debt without creating new debt.
- Write more.
These are great resolutions. In fact I've already crossed the first one off the list and I'm actively (as I type this) working on the 9th. But these resolutions are short sited. Since I wrote this list, I have returned to work from maternity leave, started a new business venture, signed up for another 5k (in two weeks, wish me luck!) and added a number of books to my list. I've also added a bunch of other personal development goals. This list just doesn't do the trick.
Recently I had the opportunity to be part of an organizing challenge lead by Morgan from It was a fantastic experience and while I learned many things, one of my favorite tips I noticed was setting monthly goals. Not just monthly goals in our heads but ones I write down and post next to my bed. This practice is something I can get my head around. Goals written down are more successful than goals you keep in your head. Goals you tell your friends are even better.
With that in mind, here is my to do list for the month of June.
- Complete The Valerie Fund 5k
- Continue eating a clean, dairy free, grain free, sugar free diet.
- Complete reading one (just one) of the above books.
- Complete reading one of my personal development books.
- Some personal matters- get the family dental appointments scheduled. (not exciting, but necessary)
- Continue to write, write, write. Both here and on our Healthy Living Facebook page.
- Fill my freezer!
That seems like enough to keep me busy. Of course, I have weekly and daily goals (make the bed!) but these are for another day. For now, it is June 1st and I have written down my goals and shared them. I'm halfway there.
What is on your to-do list for the month of June?
- Tovah