
Soccer Mom 101: Grade Pending

My philosophy exactly. Who says a girl should still look perfect by the end of the day? You can't have adventures without getting messy :):
Friday was my first soccer practice as a "soccer mom".  I'm not sure what I was expecting but it was so much better.  Considering the fact that the kiddos are at day care most days I don' really get to see them interacting with their teachers.  It was such a fun gift to be able to watch the boy run around.  Play with a soccer ball.  Listen to another grown up tell him what to do.  Who knew he could dribble a soccer ball?!  It was just so downright fun.  I forgot our water.  I forgot our chair.  I failed Soccer Mom 101 but the soccer practice was a huge success.  How do I know it was a huge success?  He had fun!

After a little reflection I've realized that this should be my  main goal over the next 18 years.  I don't know if he'll play soccer or any sport for that matter for 18 years.  He might join a bug club next year or take up classical piano.  Who knows.  He's 3.  What I do know is that I want him to have fun.  Yes, I know that life is about hard work and dedication but it is also about fun.  Isn't it more enjoyable to be dedicated to something that is fun? Doesn't hard work seem almost easy if you love it?  Sure, maybe he will be a mathlete like his mama and he'll really dislike all of his practices until the big show but he better have fun in those math competitions. He might not like his morning runs but if he loves running with a soccer ball I'm all for it!

Life is hard all by itself.  I don't need to make it harder by having him do stuff he doesn't like.  Also I will try not to make it harder by adding mommy drama to it.  I will try my hardest not to get caught up in issues of who is bring snacks and all of that other soccer mom stuff.  (Excuse me for talking about mommy issues I have yet to experience.)  My goal, for the next 18 years is to encourage the fun!  Lots of dirt and lots of fun!  If he looks back on his childhood and says, "I worked hard.  I got dirty.  I got messy and I had a LOT of FUN!"  I will think of it as a happy success.

Of course first I have to pass Soccer Mom 101 and remember the water next time...maybe even orange slices.