As this final day of vacation comes to a close I really can't decide if this vacation was better than anything I could have imagined or if I should swear to never do anything like this ever again. All week it has been like that, back and forth between loving the moments and praying we make it until January 4th. The kiddos have been home since Christmas Eve. Really it hasn't been that long in the grand scheme of things, however there were moments that felt like it would never end. A few things slowed us down a bit. First, all the plans that we had made were canceled. Whether it was a visit for the kiddos, play dates, mommy's night out, whatever they all got canceled for various reasons. So for the most part it was the boys and I and occasionally Daddy joined in the fun. To make it extra exciting we were all sick. Not super sick, just sick enough that there was a lot of coughing causing poor sleeping, and big enough colds that I finally decided to stop attempting to put together play dates. I also sort of through in the towel when it came to wearing clothes beyond pajamas. One last thing pushed this home bound vacation over the edge. This was the week decided to move our two boys into the same room together. Bedtime into a very long process and naptimes were essentially non existent. At least the part of nap times were I got time to myself. The only way to get my little guy down was to have him in his home room and put locks on the door and to get my big guy to sleep required him be in a different room and with one of us, usually me. The good news is that I got a lot of reading done during this time. Nothing like nothing to do to get you to read good books. (Hope on Good reads and I'll share them with you.)
I didn't finish this fact its 3 weeks later and I didn't even really realize that I didn't finish this post. I am sort of glad that I didn't finish because now that I have a few weeks under my belt back in the swing of things I can tell you that the jury is in. That week was a priceless, blessed moment in our life. I would not change a thing. Now if I can only keep that as a reminder on all the other days where the moments don't seem so blessed I'll be all set.
I didn't finish this fact its 3 weeks later and I didn't even really realize that I didn't finish this post. I am sort of glad that I didn't finish because now that I have a few weeks under my belt back in the swing of things I can tell you that the jury is in. That week was a priceless, blessed moment in our life. I would not change a thing. Now if I can only keep that as a reminder on all the other days where the moments don't seem so blessed I'll be all set.