Personal Development

My not-so-perfect wonderful life

Being away from the hustle and bustle of life really had me thinking a lot about that life that we were taking a break from.  What it made me realize was that I genuinely love our life.  Its no way close to perfect.  Like not even close.   None the less I love it.

 If I wanted to I could fill your feed with all the way things go wrong every single delay.  (Our awesome vacation is where we learned mayo cleans off crayons on the wall and hydrogen peroxide cleans poop off of the carpet.)  The fact is that while those things are all true and potentially upsetting I have absolutely no desire to focus on the negative.

That's not to say I don't give myself mommy time-outs ( you know those moments when you just have to leave the room and take a few deep breaths).  I just feel so much better equipped to handle those moments than I was a year ago.

There is only one thing I can point to as the difference.  I focus on the positive in life and I have so many more tools in my personal toolbox to do it.  If you would have asked me two years ago what personal development books I've read I would say...uh...what do you mean?  If you would have asked me whether my feed was filled with negative or positive I would have said negative.

Now I can tell you for sure, it is positive.  It is filled with friends I've met over the years and some I've just met over the last few months (by joining what can only be described as the coolest running group ever!  You know who you are!)  A running group for that matter that I would not have even joined had I not been pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone.

Why did I do these things?  What happened?  Well...I became a Beachbody Coach.  I know its crazy.  Isn't being a Beachbody Coach just a thing to get fit and make some money?  Um, no.  Being a Beachbody Coach IS about trying to be fit.  It IS about trying to live a healthier life.  It IS about gaining financial freedom.  It IS also about being the best version of myself.  Finding the positive in life.  Being a Beachbody Coach is in fact making me a better friend, a better wife and a better mother.
So as I shut down my computer and head to bed (so excited to be in my own bed), and get ready to begin my normal life tomorrow

I am thankful for how wonderful my normal life is.  Or rather I am thankful for the ability to focus on the wonderful in my normal life.  Even on those not so wonderful days.