
Why I LOVE my BOD!

Haha.  I tricked you.  Okay I didn't trick because I do love my BOD, just a different BOD than you're thinking of.   I thought it was time that I really tell you all about Beachbody On Demand All Access because I keep talking about it and posting about it, but I don't actually tell you what it is. 

Beach Body On Demand is this thing, okay not a good start. It's an app on my phone. It's a website I can go to on my computer. It's an app on my Roku, the little way I make my computer talk to the Internet. That's about as technologically advanced as I know it is. It is an app that I can go to. It's great. Up until recently, it had a quarterly fee. 

I got a bunch of workouts. I got any workouts that I ever bought, like T25 and 21 Day Fix and other ones, P90x. It had all those workouts plus it had some bonus workouts like Rockin' Abs. Shawn T Hip Hop Abs, Rockin' Abs from way back when. It was great. It was a good deal. I didn't have to worry about my kids scratching DVDs anymore. I didn't have to worry about losing DVDs. It was all right there on my TV or on my phone or whatever I needed. Wonderful.

Then they brought us All Access Beachbody On Demand. Let me tell you a little bit about All Access Beachbody On Demand. It is access to every single workout that Beach Body has ever, ever produced. Every, single one. Every, single one. You know when you get those DVDs and they're like, "And for another $35, you can get two bonus workouts," and you're like, "Yeah I'm not spending $35 for two bonus workouts." Well, those bonus workouts are here. P90X3, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, T25, Core to Force.

The workout comes out it's included. It's everything. All access. Every, single thing. It would be like getting a gym membership and then signing up for all of the courses. It's even workouts that you don't even know exists.  They did a show called The Twenties and they were picking out a new Beach Body trainer and it was really exciting. I'll admit, I didn't watch the show, but all of the workouts attached to those trainers are there. These great 20 minute workouts. 

There are three prenatal and one postnatal workout. There's just a ton of stuff. The new Shift Shop?  Its there.  The new workout coming in the fall?  It will be there.  Now you can get All Access Beachbody on Demand for ONE WHOLE YEAR plus Shakeology for a month for $160.  What, the what??  Yes, I'm serious.

I know that sounds like a ton. Totally sounds like a ton to me, except that it's a full year.  All the new workouts coming out this year you get access to, plus a big old bag or 24 little bags, of Shakeology. It's yours. Done. Yours. That's normally on its own, with shipping and everything, it's about $146. Just the bag of Shakeology, no workouts, is $146. The bag of Shakeology with all of the workouts, like I said, every, single workout you get for $160.

That's why it's a big deal. We have an ongoing online accountability group ready to help you when you're ready to be helped.  So I say get it now and pick out your workout. You literally can pick out any and every workout.  There are also workouts made exclusively just for BOD. Workouts that you've never seen before. You can do a whole program. You get the nutrition guides. You get the guide that says, "Do this workout on this day. Do this workout on this day," or you could literally just do whatever you want. What's nice is, halfway through the year you're like, "You know. This martial arts was great but now I want to do T25." Great. You have it. Or, "Oh I love that new workout that's coming out." Great. You have it.

No more spending money for the rest of the year, unless you want more Shakeology.  (Which you probably will.) Then last but not least.  The big bonus is I am cleaning out my closet and I have a ton of DVDs and Fixate cookbooks.  Anyone who signs up with the Beach Body On Demand All Access with Shakeology can get either a bonus workout DVD or the Fixate cookbook. Your Choice. 

It is like an absurd bang for your buck. That's all for now!  

Who is READY to JOIN me?



Tips for Exercising with Kids

Exercising everyday is not easy and that's when you are only worrying about yourself.  When you have kids it gets made all the harder.  Believe me, I know what you're going through.  There is no mastering this by any stretch but there are ways to ensure that you get to move your body every day.   I have figured out ways to make exercise a daily part of my life, even with  three kids underfoot (often times quite literally).  It might take some tips and tricks and it might require the help of a few super heroes but you can do it too!

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

How to Eat Healthy while Traveling

By  on June 13, 2015

By Mel Batterman
Eating healthy while traveling can be intimidating. Potential weight gain and feeling sluggish doesn’t have to be a part of your travel plans. As we all know, eating healthy on the road can be a challenge. It is easy to load up on the food that is easily accessible, and most of your meals will come from restaurants. Which all can lead to potential weight gain, sluggishness, and detriment to our bodies. So ultimately it will take a bit of pre-travel preparation on your part to make things a bit easier, which is absolutely worth it.
Here are a few suggestions. It truly starts with planning! If you are prepared you won’t be at the mercy of airplane meals or roadside food services. Packing a variety of snacks that easily transport can be as easy as packing all of your other belongings.
  1. Handmade individual trail mixes. You can custom make trail mix blends based on what nutrients your body needs.
  2. Pre-packaged trail mixes (choose clean, whole organic ingredients).
  3. Nuts and Dried fruits
  4. Healthy Meal Replacement Shake
  5. Raw food bars or good nutritious bars with clean ingredients
  6. Bananas, oranges, nectarines, and fruits that have an outer layer that protects the inner food.
Check out and download our book with other tips for eating healthy while traveling. 


  1. It is always good to eat a healthy filling meal like a salad with lots of vegetables and some protein, or a vegetable burrito prior to your travel, so it can carry you for a bit longer of time frame.
  2. When eating at restaurants be sure to look for a health conscious salads and other grilled meats and vegetable options at mealtimes.
  3. Be sure to drink plenty of clean water while traveling. Your body needs the additional fluids to stay hydrated and properly digest the foods when it is out of your ordinary nutrition consumption.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Even with all of these preparations, eating healthy on the road while traveling can be difficult. You may find that eating less while traveling is helpful, in fact you can use traveling time as opportunity to fast a bit, and/or eat a vegetarian diet. It is a good way to give your digestive system a break for a few days. Though it can be challenging to find healthy foods outside of the home, do not be discouraged. There certainly are a number of products that can carry you through your travels

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

I love the fact the more they learn about exercise and how it effects our body the more we learn that you can exercise for less time and even have quicker results if you just do it the right way.

All of us want to get fit but many of us don’t want to wait six months or a year to see results. We want know, How To Get Fit Fast. When you start seeing results in a couple of weeks and your body starts shaping up within a month or so, you feel more motivated to keep going. At the same time, you need to make sure that you’re not overdoing things. Your body can only take so much, in terms of exercise and diet. You don’t want to develop an eating disorder or gymnorexia. So keep in mind that you’re treading a fine line when you follow these tips:
  • Cardio, Cardio, Cardio. If you’re overweight, cardio is the way to go in order to lose weight. Doing weights will help you shed calories in the long run because muscle at rest burns more calories than fat at rest. However, you’re not going to see immediate results when it comes to weights. You’re only going to see them by incorporating cardio. You need to do the kind of cardio activity that makes you sweat a lot. If you’re going for home-based workouts, just pick one that keeps you working all the time, without any rest. The more you jump, jog and kick, the more you’re going to lose weight.
  • Eat More Protein. If you want your muscles to heal faster so that you can put more effort into your workouts, you’ll need to give your body more protein. Most of us get a certain amount of protein everyday but you’ll probably need to up this number in order to build more lean muscle. Good sources of protein include egg whites, chicken and fish. Additionally, you could add a meal replacement shake like Shakeology to get about 16 grams of protein. Make sure you have one source of protein at every meal and you’ll see your body toning up faster.

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

  • Lift More. If your aim is not to lose weight but to develop muscle tone, you’ll do so faster by lifting more weight. Many times, women are under the mistaken impression that if they lift heavier weights, they’ll end up looking more masculine. However, a woman’s body is just built differently. So it’s not possible for them to develop the type of muscle tone that men have unless they’re really lifting very heavy weights. If you’ve been using three pound weights and you want to see more results, it’s not going to hurt you to move to five pound weights. If you’re at five pounds, you can easily move to seven.
  • Eat Fruits and Veggies. We all know that fruits and veggies are important if you want to have a balanced diet. But more than that, eating fruits and vegetables will give you the energy you need to keep going and will help you maintain your health. You don’t want to have the kind of weight loss which results in your looking pale and becoming weak. In order to avoid this, try to get as many bright colors as you can on your plate. You can also consult your fitness coach about whether you should start taking vitamins.
  • Do Something You Enjoy. You can get immediate results by doing a number of different workouts. However, many of us get a little bored when we keep going for a full hour on a treadmill or elliptical trainer.  An incredible option is that you can subscribe to Beachbody On Demand where you get access to over 150 different streaming workout videos and you can pick and choose one that interests you. If you get bored of one video, you can always switch to another. Beachbody On Demand also gives you an incredible variety of on-line tools like meal planners, shopping list, as well as support from a Beachbody Coach at no additional cost to help you stay on track!  Plus, you have the option of doing something that is in tune with your fitness goals which may include weight loss, toning or advanced body sculpting.!429

Balanced Workout Routines for Women!429
Women often look for solutions for the best balance in their workout routines. At the gym you will generally see the majority of women on cardio equipment, while men are lifting weights. What is the real reason that men and women view exercise so differently even though a balance is really the best solution?
Since most women are typically nervous about using weights, but comfortable with cardio they tend to gravitate toward the cardio section most of the time. Most men have been trained to view an extremely muscular body as the ideal, and feel the only way to obtain this is by slinging weights around the weight room while ignoring cardio exercise. Unfortunately this is not good for either men or women, and a lot of times this comes with bad form in both the cardio and weight areas of the gym.

Balanced Workout Routines for Women

The truth is if you want to lose weight, you will need to create a balance between cardio at the right intensity level and weight training that provides the appropriate repetitions and sets. The same goes for the desire to build muscle. It is always good to have some flexibility and balance training to round out a balanced routine, and it will enhance both your cardio and weight training regimens.
Here are some tips for a balanced workout routine for women:
Assess Your Goals
Determine what you are aiming to obtain through health and fitness. For example if you’re overweight, your overall goal may be to lose weight. Now you need to create smaller goals to work toward the overall goal. The first thing you will want to do is determine your body composition which is the percentage of body fat you are currently carrying on your body. To figure this out you can either go to a gym to have it measured or you can create a FREE account at Team Beachbody and use the body fat calculator that is found under Fitness Tools. This will provide you with your current percentage so you can set up realistic, safe, and progressive goals each month to get your body fat to normal levels.
Combine Cardio and Weights
To have a balanced weight loss workout regimen, you must combine cardio and weight training. The key here, is to be sure you are working at an intensity that will provide results. To know this you should know your target heart rate. Again you can use the tools on Team Beachbody to figure your target heart rate. A good daily balance of cardio and weights would be to alternate cardio and full-body resistance training. You can also do a combination of cardio and weights on your weight training days if you so choose.
Some examples of balanced workout regimens would be the P90X program which consists of 12 workouts that include resistance training, cardio training, plyometric training, abdominal training and yoga. Of course if 90 days sounds like too much you can always start with the 21 Day Fix Extreme. This program still provides you with that amazing combination of cardio and weights, but in quick 30 minute workouts that you do for 21 days.
If you are interested in a program that has a greater amount of cardio but still provides resistance training, TurboFire is a 90 day program that would work. You always want to choose a program that best aligns what you like and your goals. Of course if you prefer to do something different every day, you can always create a hybrid of multiple programs as long as you create a good combination of weights and cardio, and still allow for appropriate muscle recovery. A great options for creating a hybrid is Beachbody On-Demand. Beachbody On-Demand gives you access to over 150 workout programs plus a coach. With an online coach and Beachbody On-Demand you can definitely get the right mix of strength-training and cardio to reach your goals.
The Importance of Flexibility and Balance
Flexibility and balance is an important part of any routine, and most of us don’t do it enough or do it at all. The more you stretch and work on flexibility and balance the quicker you will recover. This means less aches and pains, and greater results with your workouts. You will also be less likely to skip a workout because your entire body is stiff and sore.
Some strength and cardio programs already have flexibility and balance training as a part of the program. Even if they are a part of the overall program, it is still a good idea to take an extra 5-10 minutes after each workout to stretch the entire body. As you utilize flexibility and balance training you will see your overall performance improve, and that your body will truly feel better.
Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. I know you have heard that before, and we all know that not everyone feels they have the time to prepare breakfast. Some of us barely have time to find our keys, let alone brew a cup of coffee before we’re out the door and on our way to work.
You do need to remember that if you’re looking to lose weight you have to have breakfast. If time is an issue then why not try a protein packed and nutrient-dense shake? They’re fast, easy to make, and your breakfast options becomes endless with your creativity. Make breakfast a priority and get total nutrition with Shakeology from Beachbody.
It is great when you can whip up breakfast with one of these delicious shakes in LESS THAN ONE MINUTE. Shakeology is truly YOUR Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition. It is packed with incredible amounts of high quality protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes, and superfoods that your body desperately needs and craves.*
Plus, Shakeology can help to increase your energy levels, and reduce junk food cravings. Because Shakeology’s key ingredients are derived from whole food sources, your body will be able to easily absorb and utilize the nutrients immediately.
You now have everything you need to be successful!
Getting Fit
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How To Get Fit Fast in 3 Easy Steps

Perhaps I shouldn't have read this article right now.  All it makes me want to do is eat meat and workout.  I'm starting Insanity Max 30 on Monday and I am soooo excited!

Let’s face it, our New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick quite as easily as the weight does. With summer upon us and nearly half the year over, your beach bod may not elicit the ‘wows’ you had hoped for.
But don’t sweat it. There’s still plenty of time to shape up and get fit fast. Whether your goal is tolose weight, slim down, build muscle or gain strength, this guide will help you along on the way.
Step 1: The Diet
The diet – perhaps one of the most difficult actions to take in your fitness regime. Let’s discuss the foods you should be eating, rather than the meal choices that will compromise your progress. You want foods that are full of nutrients and protein that start slimming down your waistline the moment they enter your mouth.  Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, legumes, fish and low-fat dairy products build muscle, burn fat, and keep your body well-nourished and performing optimally.
Try to eat as many of the foods below:
  • Salmon, tuna, and mackerel for muscle building proteins.
  • Yogurt and cheese strengthen your bones and fire up weight loss.
  • Spinach and kale to fight free radicals, improve muscle recovery.
  • Beans and legumes to build muscle, burn fat, and regulate digestion.
  • Beet juice for stamina, berries for satiety, grapefruit for metabolism.
  • Leans meats like turkey to build muscle and strengthen your immune system.
These foods are chock full of proteins, nutrients, and health benefits to help you get into shape faster and your muscles roaring. It goes without saying ( but let’s say it anyways ) that burgers, fries, chocolate cake and the like should be eaten sparingly, or you’ll put right back on whatever weight you lost.
With that said, sacrifices at the dinner table aren’t enough. You’re going to need to get off the couch and move.
Step 2: The Cardio
To lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit, meaning your body needs to burn off more calories than it takes in. Cardio workouts are not only the best way to create a caloric deficit and shed some pounds, but it also encourages a healthy heart, improves blood circulation, and makes your body lean.
Whether you decide to bike around your neighborhood, get some miles in on the treadmill, or swim laps in a pool, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity to reduce the risk of heart disease and fight off any gains in weight. But if you want to get lean, you’ll need to double that time to start seeing results.
Remember, your options aren’t limited to the gym: mow the lawn, play with the dog, go dancing or clean up the house are great activities to help burn calories and keep you in shape.

How To Get Fit Fast in 3 Easy Steps

Step 3: The Workouts
Now it’s time to get your body looking toned and fit. Adding strength training to your fitnessregime will enhance your metabolism, improve your strength, while helping you get lean or gain muscle mass depending on the exercise. 
To sculpt your arms, upper back, shoulders and chest you’ll need to invest in some weights or head on over to your local gym. Bench presses, shoulder presses, lunges and dips are great ways to bulk up your muscles, spike your metabolism, and get a lot stronger.  Try to do some weight training 3-4 times a week on non-cardio days. Remember to start off light, gradually adding more weight to avoid injuries, and to take a day or two off to let your body rest.
To do some belly blasting and reduce those love handles crunches, sit-ups, air bikes and Russian twists will help flatten your midsection without the need for equipment. If these are a bit mundane for you, search or ask around the gym or web for tummy toning exercises that work just as well, if not better.
To top off your fitness regime, add some yoga to the mix for a bit of mind and body exercise. Whether you join a class or practice in your living room, yoga is a great way to improve your balance, flexibility and your overall health and well-being.
Staying Motivated
Getting fit requires discipline and motivation. Getting fit fast requires the same, plus an iron-will. But both start with the right mind-set. In fact, the only obstacle preventing you from a beautiful body and exceptional health is your motivation.
Getting fit alone can quickly get frustrating. Without the right guidance and advice it can even be dangerous. But support is there.
If you’re looking for the best place to get fit fast, Beachbody On Demand provides hundreds of online workouts proven to get you burn off calories and get you ripped. You can stream all the world-class programs right from your computer, get unique meal plans customized to your goals, and  connect with others, so you don’t have to do it alone.  
It’s a great way to stay motivated. On top of that, you’ll get your own personal coach for one-on-one guidance and support to help you get fit even faster.!429

7 Tips for Busy Moms: How to Exercise at Home

This article has some great tips on trying to squeeze in workouts at home.  My only complaint is the title.  No need to put "busy" as a descriptor in front of the word mom.  All moms are busy.

By  on May 2, 2015
When it comes to stay-at-home or work-at-home moms, knowing how to exercise at home is often not just a matter of timing, but setting your environment, arranging something for your children while you are exercising, and planning out both warm-up and recovery routines. With so much thought required for home exercise, many moms do not take the time to exercise, even though they know the health benefits: physical, emotional and mental. 
With the issues faced by moms in mind, these 7 tips will help you take the time to exercise without undue stress:
1. Schedule – There is a reason the best classrooms have regular periods every day, predictable activities and more. There is also a reason kids complain any time a new teacher or substitute messes with the plan. Schedules are comforting and predictable, and ensure that life will have some structure to work around. When you are beginning a home exercise routine, it is important that it becomes a part of your regular schedule. If you have school age children, fit it in in the morning after they have gotten out to school. With younger children, exercise during nap times or quiet time. 
2. Set the Environment – In the busy living spaces we call home, there is rarely space to set up a complete exercise room. But, moms can set the environment by putting exercise materials out by some open floor space. Pick space which will not interfere with other family activities when you do your regular exercising. 
3. Set Your Goals – Exercise is an important part of healthy living, but the vague goal of “being healthy” is rarely enough to overcome the challenges to a regular home exercise routine. What motivates you to workout needs to be measurable (lose 30 pounds, run a marathon) and have a time frame. Without the motivation from a great goal, you will not overcome your natural inertia.

7 Tips for Busy Moms: How to Exercise at Home

4. Involve Others – As a parent, there are two groups of people who can help you exercise, free of charge. Friends and your family. Some moms don’t have enough time with their children, some don’t have enough time with their friends. Let that desire for fellowship push your daily activity. Whether it is planning that parent/child run your teenager has been begging you for, or taking a morning jog with a friend, the companion will inspire you to continue exercising, and vice-versa. With modern technology, you can not only connect with friends and family through home-based exercise routines, but also connect with nutrition and fitness coach on mobile computing devices. 
5. Regular Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines – Often a big obstacle to in home workouts is the mental energy it takes to decide what to do. With regular stretching and warm-up routines at the beginning of your exercise, you will have time to calm down and focus on what your exercise goals are. With a regular cool-down routine, you will be able to take time to plan how to do the rest of your day, without stressing about how to cool down. Don’t forget that your cool-down and recovery program needs to include quick nutrition like a quality shake.
6. Plan Nutrition – From the cool-down recovery program to your regular meals and snacks, nutrition is a key part of any exercise planning system. Get rid of the sugary and fatty snacks: yogurt, nuts and fruit, and cheese are all healthy, easy alternatives to the candy and bagged goods (chips, pretzels, etc) which moms so often use. Our “101 Healthy Shake Recipes” is a great free resource for building your nutrition. 
7. Plan on Failing – Whether you are just starting home based exercise or are a pro, the secret to a great program is it makes you stretch. The important thing about stretch goals is you often don’t hit them. This is a positive thing: you can learn how to better plan, set more appropriate goals and gain better health. Do not beat yourself up when you do not hit your goals, when your exercise takes too much out of you or when family gets in the way. Rest, recuperate, learn, and get back in the saddle. 
An exercise at home routine is only one decision away, so why not start your work outs today?!429

Race Recap: The Unplanned Adventure

“Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. 

The day started out perfect.  Kids in the car, coffee in hand, still dark outside and we're on the road to the race.  My first half marathon since before my boys were born and I was ready and excited.  I felt good, I trained pretty well and based on a 15k a few weeks earlier I had hopes of a time that while it wouldn't be a BC PR (before children personal record) it would be a respectable time that I could use to get back into the swing of things.

We made it to drop off location with no traffic, even a bonus bathroom stop.  Things were good.  I said my goodbyes to my family and headed over with my extra banana ready to go.  I was meeting a friend who picked up my number and that went without a hitch.  The cool thing about the Long Branch Half is that you start at the Monmouth Raceway so there is plenty of room to get to the start line and of course wait in a very long portajohn line.  My line friends were friendly, it was sort of warming up and I was excited to run.  It was going to be long but the course was flat and my 12 mile run went okay and I felt great after the 6 miles I did the week before.

As the race started every heat would be started with the sounds of the trumpet like we were a horse race.  Bruce Springsteen Born to Run was on (so Jersey) and we were off.  And that is where the "perfect" race just about ended.  At my last 15k I had purchased this convenient little pouch to attach to my pants to carry my phone, keys, etc.  I hadn't actually used it carry my phone because I like to actually hold my phone but the cold day meant I had gloves on so I figured it could go in the pouch until I took the gloves off.  About 5 minutes into the race I took my gloves off and reached for the phone.  It wasn't there.  And that is where the perfect race definitely ended.  I stopped and ran backwards frantically looking for my phone hundreds of racers going by me in the opposite direction.  I ran until there was no one else coming except for a police car and I need to turn around and start the race.  In a moment of good fortune a nice runner mentioned someone asked him if he lost a phone, in all likelihood meaning that someone found a phone.  I used his phone to text my phone so if a runner had it they could get it to my husband.  And with that I was off...but no longer was I with my pace group,  No longer was I able to use the bonus of being in a race to get my pace up a notch.  Instead I was in the very back of the very big pack.

As much as I was disappointed by this my disappointment didn't have a chance to take hold because frankly the back of the pack is straight up inspiring.  People who if you saw them on the street you would not consider to be "runners" were most definitely running...and running hard.  Runners who were running on behalf of others and running on behalf of themselves.  So much good inspiration.  In case I forgot to be thankful I ran past two women who had shirts on that had "That was so last year" on the back.  When I passed them it said "Beat cancer" on the front.  Awesome!  Literally awesome!

So I just kept trudging along and passing people.  I had hopes of possibly catching someone I knew running but all of that fell to side when my tummy troubles started around mile 4.  I don't know what was going on and part of me thinks it was stress and it wouldn't have happened had I not lost my phone but either way I had two really long stops at very nice portajohns.  Any attempt at my time was gone and instead of passing new people I just kept passing the same people over and over.

The two most beautiful things about the Long Branch Half are that you spend most of your time in residential areas so there are always spectators.  Mostly people in their PJs drinking coffee but they are there cheering you on.  There's one particular fantastic neighborhood that puts encouraging words out there.  Things like "Run Forest Run" and "Worst Parade Ever" and "Because 26.3 would just be crazy."  I love it and look forward to it during the race.  The second most wonderful thing about the race is that it ends on the beach.  The last 1.5 miles you are running with the ocean to your right and it is uplifting.  I made the turn to run along the ocean and I was so thankful to be almost finished.

Without my phone I don't know what my mile breakdowns were but I felt like they got faster.  I ended more than 1 minute per mile slower on average than I had hoped but despite all that nonsense I finished the race.   My goal was to in fact finish the race.  When I started training I was recovering from a minor knee injury, mid training I strained my calf and I had a 46 day running streak as well that didn't exactly help the training.  (Thank you Iron PT for keeping me running!) It got me out of my rut where I thought a 5k was long.  All of those goals were reached.  The time goal will still be there.

After I crossed the finish line I started looking for lost and found and I found a fellow running "friend" who I  had never actually met but online in the greatest online running group ever! (Thank you Sub-30 Club)  She was the lucky recipient of a mini breakdown on my part and she also lent me her phone.  By some miracle, or just thanks to really nice runners, my phone ended up in the hands of my husband.  Crisis adverted.

Eventually I found my family, changed my shoes and got a coffee.  My race was over.  It was not the race I had planned or hoped for.  It was about 15 minutes slower than the slowest I was hoping run it and 25 minutes slower than what I had thought I might be able to pull off.  Those numbers though seemed to be the least important ones.  I passed about 450 people (many of them 2 or 3 times) to get from the very back of the pack.  I ran all 13.1 miles (and actually more if you count the back tracking) and despite all of the extenuating circumstances I kept my goal of only walking during the water stops (darn you race photographer for positioning yourself at the top of the only "hill" in the race forcing me to run).

I will tell you that while you will find inspiration all over a race, that group at the end of the race are by far the most inspiring group of folks on the course.  They are warriors.  It was an honor to run with them, and certainly an adventure.

Weekly Workouts: Monday April 13- Sunday April 19

I try to work out every day and for the most part I succeed.  After today's hodge podge of workouts I realized it might be important to share with others how I set my weekly goals, how I manage to squeeze workouts in and how real life gets in the way.

Each week I'll share my goal work outs and then after that week I'll share what actually happened.

Monday: 3 mile solo morning run (actually 3 mile walk/run with double stroller at 5:30 pm, modified T25 at 8:30 pm)
Tuesday: 12 mile run, T25 Stretch
Wednesday: morning workout: Chalene Extreme/Piyo
Thursday: 3 mile morning double stroller run
Friday: 3 mile interval solo run (while kids are with Grandma), PiYo (post bedtime)
Saturday: 21 Day Fix Dirty 30, 3 mile afternoon double stroller run
Sunday:  MS Walk with family

Wish me luck!  Let's see what actually happens!

Top 10 Reasons I LOVE Beachbody on Demand

Beachbody On Demand is Here!!

  1. I have a tendency to scratch DVDs.  This is partly from usage and partly from running around too much and then just leaving my discs in random places.  
  2. My children just straight up take my dvds and use them as "ice skates".  This exact scenario happened today, in my kitchen, with an exercise disc.    
  3. I like to watch TV while I work out and my computer rarely plays dvds if they are at all scratched.  (see above)
  4. Yes, I have P90X3. Yes I have 21 Day Fix but isn't it great that I don't have to find where I've put them, and instead can just go to a website.  Yes, I have a bad habit of leaving my workout dvds in random places, usually where I last worked out.  The kitchen, the living room , the basemen.  I take the "whole" home gym concept very seriously.
  5. My gym can now be where I do Chalene Extreme or Body Beast while looking at my phone, saving me the money from buying heavier weights for home.  I am getting stronger.  Woohoo!  My weights are no longer cutting it.  Time to get some bigger, better weights.  Or I can just take my handy dandy "little computer" and go to the gym.
  6. When I travel to visit family I no longer need to schlep my computer with me so I can play my work out dvds and of course I no longer need to schlep my dvds with me.  Despite the fact that half my family has a large assortment of Beachbody dvds this is huge. 
  7. I can sample work outs before I'm ready to buy.  (I'm looking at you Insanity Max 30)
  8. I can wake up each morning and pick whichever workout I want.  The sampling is fantastic.  Complete programs if I get hooked or I can do a combination.  Plus every workout I've bought is on there too!  (no discs needed!!)
  9. I no longer have to wait to try a few of my new favorite workouts.  (Can you say Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme?)  Every big sale Beachbody had I would rush to buy Turbo Fire or Chalene Extreme and every time I would be late and they would be sold out at the sale price.  Always wanting a bargain I would just wait until the next time around.  Speaking of bargains...
  10. The price.  At the price you just can't go wrong.  Its cheaper than most gyms and you have a ton of top notch personal trainers there at your fingertips.   

Insanity Max 30 Review

Great review! I've done both Insanity and Insanity Max 30 and am loving how Insanity Max 30 pushes you as hard as you can go and makes it okay to "fail" are supposed to find that point where you need to take a break. It's all about making YOUR times better....not competing with others.

Insanity Max 30: the ultimate challenge

P90X3- Two weeks into this great adventure

Just two weeks ago I started P90X3.  Despite having done P90X a few years ago I really wasn't sure what to think, or what to expect.  For me I feel like you can read the instruction guide, look at the calendar, review the menu plan, but until you are actually in the midst of the work out I don't think you really know if it is for you.  With that nervous, hesitant mind set, I weighed and measured myself the day before.  I even took pre-work out photos.  I'll be honest, I have big expectations for the results in this work out.  Summer time means that along with this work out I will also be running more, walking more and just playing around more.  I also tend to eat healthier during the summer.  Somehow during the summer, a grilled chicken breast and sliced tomatoes makes a filling dinner.

I am almost 6 months postpartum and while this is not my first work out program since having the baby it is the first time I feel like I'm starting the program in good shape.  I relied on T25 at 6 weeks to get my cardio up to speed and the 21 Day Fix helped me get weights back into my life.  But here, I was going to be faced with cardio, weights and who knows what else.

I am almost two weeks in (just a rest day shy) and I feel great.  The workouts are different each day.  Some weights, some cardio and some just great body movement.

Week 1 Favorite workout:  The Challenge.  This workout was awful when I was doing it.  Push-ups and Chin-ups.  That's it my friends.  Just a variation of each.  But each one I did was more and more satisfying because unlike the last few programs where I was starting my workout with modification I was doing REAL push-ups.  Were they good push-ups?  No.  Were my knees up?  YES!

Week 2 Favorite workout:  CVX.  Simply stated this work out is a combo of cardio and resistance and all done with one weight. In my case I used one five pound weight.  I ended the workout feeling, exhausted but energized, flexible and yet a little sore.

In fact, that's the perfect way to describe these two weeks.  I feel sore and more flexible, exhausted and yet more energized.

I hope you have had a satisfying two weeks of exercise.  I will be updating you soon.

- Tovah 

Second Daily Workout?

I lived years with no regular exercise.  After that caught up to me, I waged a battle with myself to stick with my workouts.  I would have a few weeks of working out 4-5 times and weeks when I would falter.  No matter what I did, I would go through spells where I wouldn't workout for weeks at a time.

It again took years to figure out what worked for me.  I HAVE to work out in the morning.  If I wait until after work, there are many days when it won't get done (and now that I have a daughter to get to bed, it is an impossibility for me).  Even so, even knowing this, I would go through spells where I just wouldn't.  I don't know if it was willpower, or that I let myself make excuses.  Maybe both.

I'm sure I will have times in my life when I falter and fail again.  And pick myself back up again.  But for now, I have gone 4 months without missing a single workout.....6-7 days a week.  I finally feel, for the first time in my life, like it's a non-negotiable.  No matter what is going on, no matter how late I stayed up the night before, I just get up and get it done.

But I'm the kind of person that doesn't settle.  I always need a new challenge to keep pushing myself forward.  Now that I have conquered my workouts, what's my new challenge?

Getting in a second workout each day.  I work full time and am a full time mom to an almost-two year old (she comes to work with me), so this will be a real challenge.  Nap time is reserved for uninterrupted work so I cannot use it for a workout.  My first big hurdle will be to find a time when I can get another workout done and then make myself stick to it, rather than getting wrapped up in the work I was doing.  I think I will start out with 10-15 minute workouts most of the time....abs or cardio....and build from there.  If the weather is nice and I can spare even more time, a walk with my daughter will be perfect.  Maybe I will try to fit more of those in after her dinner before I get her ready for bed.

All of these little what-ifs and maybe-I'll-try-this's is how I figure out what works for me.  I have to try different things and then see what works and what "sticks."  It's all about building workouts into a routine so you are less likely to make excuses.