Get Fit Together

Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

How does exercise help depression and anxiety?

Regular exercise for depression and anxiety may help ease symptoms in a number of ways, which may include:
  • Releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids)
  • Reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression
  • Increasing body temperature, which may have calming effects
Regular exercise has many other psychological and emotional benefits, as well. It can help you:
  • Gain confidence. Meeting exercise goals or challenges, even small ones, can boost your self-confidence. Getting in shape can also make you feel better about your appearance.
  • Take your mind off worries. Exercise is a distraction that can get you away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed anxiety and depression.
  • Cope in a healthy way. Doing something positive to manage anxiety or depression is a healthy coping strategy. Trying to feel better by drinking alcohol, dwelling on how badly you feel, or hoping anxiety or depression will go away on its own can lead to worsening symptoms.
Now that you have an understanding of how it can help, what can you do to Exercise for Depression and Anxiety? Research has shown that physical activity such as regular walking, gardening or other forms of physical activity may help improve mood. Keep in mind that Physical activity and exercise are not the same thing, but both are beneficial to your health. The same research has shown that those who used exercise that incorporated progressive resistance training, and cardiovascular training showed a greater improvement and maintenance of depression and anxiety.

Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

With that said, many people don’t seek out exercise because they don’t want to go to a gym or fitness facility due to their depression and anxiety. So what is the answer?
The answer is to utilize at-home fitness and exercise programs such as Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix, P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, and others that provide resistance and cardiovascular training in a planned and structured format. This progressive exercise combined with a structured plan, and where you don’t have to leave your home is great way to create that improvement or maintain that Exercise for Depression and Anxiety can bring to a person.
One of the other things that many people don’t have with going to the gym to exercise for depression and anxiety is support. With a Beachbody Club Membership, each person gets aFREE Coach to support him or her. This can be a great benefit to those who have to exercise for depression and anxiety. If you start with a Beachbody Premium Membership, you’re first 30 days is FREE, and it gives you access to Beachbody On-Demand, an amazing meal planner, and much more! After your free trial ends, you’ll continue to stream world-class programs, such as P90X®, P90X2®, P90X3®, INSANITY®, and more from our massive Beachbody Member Library.
So take advantage of exercise to provide benefits to your overall health, and to improve or manage depression and anxiety.

Are Carbohydrates Bad?

Are Carbohydrates Bad? They make you fat right? Come on it must be true, you read articles about it all the time. So they must make you fat…right?
Here is the deal. There is one small problem, carbohydrates are very important. In fact, carbohydrates (especially the right kind) are essential to your body. They aid in muscle growth, providing energy, as well as providing your body many other benefits. So, Are Carbohydrates Bad? The answer is NO!
Now let’s be real. Lumping all carbs together into one category is like saying all quarterbacks who play in the NFL will be just like Joe Montana. It would be absurd to call all carbs bad when vegetables and fruits are also carbohydrates. With that said, I would have a hard time believing that you would think that a nutrition plan attempting to completely purge carbohydrates would be a good idea. I have a feeling you are a pretty smart cookie (oh, that would be a bad carb). So to suggest that all carbs are evil, is just plain nonsense.
Let’s take a step back and take a hard look at reality, compared to personal preference. I need to ask you a question. Are you willing to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with the truth about carbohydrates? I am going to assume you said yes, either way I am going to give you the facts.

Are Carbohydrates Bad?

 Are Carbohydrates Bad? Will bread and grains make you fat? Uh, NO! Blanket statements just don’t work. The “don’t eat carbs” or “Carbohydrates are Bad” statements are just that, Blanket Statements. Statements like these just confuse the general public. The reason people get confused, is that most don’t have a nutrition background or truly understand what qualifies as a carbohydrate. 95% of us look at food as simply that, FOOD. All blanket statements have done is cause people to adjust their diets in a way that keeps their bodies from functioning properly. This is why many people have been going out of their way to avoid certain foods, like bread, rice or potatoes. When in fact, these foods can have a place in a balanced nutrition plan and can play a role in helping you lose weight or gain lean muscle.
Now you know that carbs as a whole are not bad, BUT there are certain types of carbs that are not good for your body. Generally, these types of carbs will make you feel bloated and tired. These types of carbs often contain processed sugars, corn syrup, or are white flour based foods, and the list can go one with all the other processed crap available. If you cannot grow it, or it doesn’t come from minimally processed whole grains, it is not good. Yep, simple as that.
It comes down to the food manufactures like to confuse people. If they can get the general public to buy into what they are saying about a particular food, macronutrient, or diet, they make money and lots of it.
So back to the question at hand… Are Carbohydrates Bad?
NO, but all of us could gain a better understanding to guide our eating habits. Eating vegetables and fruit, as well as high quality, high fiber grains are an important part of healthy nutrition. If you truly want a balanced healthy nutrition plan that will aid in weight loss or muscle gains you really need to have at least 100 to 200 grams per day depending on your daily level of physical activity and exercise.
The overall message is, you cannot consume bucket-loads of refined low quality carbohydrates and chase them down with and extra-large soda and say, “well they said carbs aren’t bad”. I know you are smarter than the average bear and understand that you need to choose your carbohydrates wisely to have a healthy nutrition plan. It is about eating more good foods such as lean proteins, colorful vegetables, a variety of fruits, high-fiber grains, healthy fats, and cutting out the highly processed garbage such as candy, soda, sugar-loaded foods, poor quality breads, and boatloads of pasta.
Another important factor is choosing the correct portions of the carbs you consume. This can be as important as the kind of carbs you choose to eat. Grain and fruit carbohydrates should be smaller portions than vegetable carbs. If you need assistance with nutrition, portion sizes, and proper balance of carbs, proteins, and fats you may want to check out the 21 Day Fix onBeachbody On Demand. It has an amazing nutrition plan that creates the perfect balance of nutrients and portions. If you struggle with cutting out the crap, you definitely want to take a look at adding a total nutrition shake like Shakeology.
When it’s all said and done, if you are eating healthy and choosing wisely 85-90 percent of the time your body will be happy, you will have energy, and you will lose weight, gain muscle or maintain depending on your goals. You now know the truth to the question “Are Carbohydrates Bad?”
Getting Fit
Getting Fit Together contributors are some of the brightest minds in the health, fitness, and wealth industry. Come back often to learn from our top contributors.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

How to Eat Healthy while Traveling

By  on June 13, 2015

By Mel Batterman
Eating healthy while traveling can be intimidating. Potential weight gain and feeling sluggish doesn’t have to be a part of your travel plans. As we all know, eating healthy on the road can be a challenge. It is easy to load up on the food that is easily accessible, and most of your meals will come from restaurants. Which all can lead to potential weight gain, sluggishness, and detriment to our bodies. So ultimately it will take a bit of pre-travel preparation on your part to make things a bit easier, which is absolutely worth it.
Here are a few suggestions. It truly starts with planning! If you are prepared you won’t be at the mercy of airplane meals or roadside food services. Packing a variety of snacks that easily transport can be as easy as packing all of your other belongings.
  1. Handmade individual trail mixes. You can custom make trail mix blends based on what nutrients your body needs.
  2. Pre-packaged trail mixes (choose clean, whole organic ingredients).
  3. Nuts and Dried fruits
  4. Healthy Meal Replacement Shake
  5. Raw food bars or good nutritious bars with clean ingredients
  6. Bananas, oranges, nectarines, and fruits that have an outer layer that protects the inner food.
Check out and download our book with other tips for eating healthy while traveling. 


  1. It is always good to eat a healthy filling meal like a salad with lots of vegetables and some protein, or a vegetable burrito prior to your travel, so it can carry you for a bit longer of time frame.
  2. When eating at restaurants be sure to look for a health conscious salads and other grilled meats and vegetable options at mealtimes.
  3. Be sure to drink plenty of clean water while traveling. Your body needs the additional fluids to stay hydrated and properly digest the foods when it is out of your ordinary nutrition consumption.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Even with all of these preparations, eating healthy on the road while traveling can be difficult. You may find that eating less while traveling is helpful, in fact you can use traveling time as opportunity to fast a bit, and/or eat a vegetarian diet. It is a good way to give your digestive system a break for a few days. Though it can be challenging to find healthy foods outside of the home, do not be discouraged. There certainly are a number of products that can carry you through your travels

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!

This article is going to kick off one of many in a serious of posts about meal planning and feeding a family on a budget.

One of the most popular parts of our clean eating challenges are discussing meal planning.  I'm planning to spend some time over the next few weeks really digging into how I meal plan so I can share it. So many reasons to meal plan, one being that it can SAVE you money!

Do you meal plan?

Eating healthy on a budget
 may often feel like an impossible challenge when you start walking through the grocery store. You look at the cost of healthy food, and start to wonder whether or not it’s really worth it. It is worth it, and YOU can eat healthy on a budget. You can fill your shopping cart with food that will fuel your mind and body without breaking the bank. The trick is to know how to do it.

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!

Here are a couple tips to get you headed in the right direction.
  1. Have vegetarian days. Reduce the amount of meat you’re eating. When you reduce your meat consumption, you also reduce the amount of money that you’re spending, which in turn frees up funds in your budget for other healthy choices.
  1. Don’t buy pre-packaged food if you can avoid it. The healthiest nutrition is one that consists of natural, whole foods that have been acquired in their original state. That “fat free” or “low fat” packaged foods might be tempting, but they are packed full of artificial colors and flavors, not to mention being high in sodium and high in chemical compositions that you cannot even pronounce. You will be surprised by the budget difference when you pick up the individual ingredients for your favorite healthy treats instead of buying them ready-made for you. A good example is a container of hummus that costs around $4 can be made from a can of low-sodium beans ($1) and a handful of other ingredients that you may already have sitting around your home. Ready-to-serve oatmeal packets cost twice as much per serving than if you buy a big canister of oatmeal and sweeten it with honey. Plus it is just flat out healthier for you.
  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables will actually help you feel full longer, which means that you’ll be less likely to come back and snack later. By adding fruits and vegetables to your nutrition, you not only decrease the amount that you’re eating, you also substantially increase your consumption of healthy nutrients that your body needs to function at its optimal level.
  1. Explore alternative sources of protein. Try out nut butters, beans, and Tempeh for healthier alternatives to eating large amounts of meat. Beans and Tempeh, in particular, are much less expensive but still have great nutritional benefits.
There are plenty of ways to stay within your budge and eat healthy. These are just a few strategies you can use to reduce your total at the grocery store.

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

I love the fact the more they learn about exercise and how it effects our body the more we learn that you can exercise for less time and even have quicker results if you just do it the right way.

All of us want to get fit but many of us don’t want to wait six months or a year to see results. We want know, How To Get Fit Fast. When you start seeing results in a couple of weeks and your body starts shaping up within a month or so, you feel more motivated to keep going. At the same time, you need to make sure that you’re not overdoing things. Your body can only take so much, in terms of exercise and diet. You don’t want to develop an eating disorder or gymnorexia. So keep in mind that you’re treading a fine line when you follow these tips:
  • Cardio, Cardio, Cardio. If you’re overweight, cardio is the way to go in order to lose weight. Doing weights will help you shed calories in the long run because muscle at rest burns more calories than fat at rest. However, you’re not going to see immediate results when it comes to weights. You’re only going to see them by incorporating cardio. You need to do the kind of cardio activity that makes you sweat a lot. If you’re going for home-based workouts, just pick one that keeps you working all the time, without any rest. The more you jump, jog and kick, the more you’re going to lose weight.
  • Eat More Protein. If you want your muscles to heal faster so that you can put more effort into your workouts, you’ll need to give your body more protein. Most of us get a certain amount of protein everyday but you’ll probably need to up this number in order to build more lean muscle. Good sources of protein include egg whites, chicken and fish. Additionally, you could add a meal replacement shake like Shakeology to get about 16 grams of protein. Make sure you have one source of protein at every meal and you’ll see your body toning up faster.

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

  • Lift More. If your aim is not to lose weight but to develop muscle tone, you’ll do so faster by lifting more weight. Many times, women are under the mistaken impression that if they lift heavier weights, they’ll end up looking more masculine. However, a woman’s body is just built differently. So it’s not possible for them to develop the type of muscle tone that men have unless they’re really lifting very heavy weights. If you’ve been using three pound weights and you want to see more results, it’s not going to hurt you to move to five pound weights. If you’re at five pounds, you can easily move to seven.
  • Eat Fruits and Veggies. We all know that fruits and veggies are important if you want to have a balanced diet. But more than that, eating fruits and vegetables will give you the energy you need to keep going and will help you maintain your health. You don’t want to have the kind of weight loss which results in your looking pale and becoming weak. In order to avoid this, try to get as many bright colors as you can on your plate. You can also consult your fitness coach about whether you should start taking vitamins.
  • Do Something You Enjoy. You can get immediate results by doing a number of different workouts. However, many of us get a little bored when we keep going for a full hour on a treadmill or elliptical trainer.  An incredible option is that you can subscribe to Beachbody On Demand where you get access to over 150 different streaming workout videos and you can pick and choose one that interests you. If you get bored of one video, you can always switch to another. Beachbody On Demand also gives you an incredible variety of on-line tools like meal planners, shopping list, as well as support from a Beachbody Coach at no additional cost to help you stay on track!  Plus, you have the option of doing something that is in tune with your fitness goals which may include weight loss, toning or advanced body sculpting.!429

Balanced Workout Routines for Women!429
Women often look for solutions for the best balance in their workout routines. At the gym you will generally see the majority of women on cardio equipment, while men are lifting weights. What is the real reason that men and women view exercise so differently even though a balance is really the best solution?
Since most women are typically nervous about using weights, but comfortable with cardio they tend to gravitate toward the cardio section most of the time. Most men have been trained to view an extremely muscular body as the ideal, and feel the only way to obtain this is by slinging weights around the weight room while ignoring cardio exercise. Unfortunately this is not good for either men or women, and a lot of times this comes with bad form in both the cardio and weight areas of the gym.

Balanced Workout Routines for Women

The truth is if you want to lose weight, you will need to create a balance between cardio at the right intensity level and weight training that provides the appropriate repetitions and sets. The same goes for the desire to build muscle. It is always good to have some flexibility and balance training to round out a balanced routine, and it will enhance both your cardio and weight training regimens.
Here are some tips for a balanced workout routine for women:
Assess Your Goals
Determine what you are aiming to obtain through health and fitness. For example if you’re overweight, your overall goal may be to lose weight. Now you need to create smaller goals to work toward the overall goal. The first thing you will want to do is determine your body composition which is the percentage of body fat you are currently carrying on your body. To figure this out you can either go to a gym to have it measured or you can create a FREE account at Team Beachbody and use the body fat calculator that is found under Fitness Tools. This will provide you with your current percentage so you can set up realistic, safe, and progressive goals each month to get your body fat to normal levels.
Combine Cardio and Weights
To have a balanced weight loss workout regimen, you must combine cardio and weight training. The key here, is to be sure you are working at an intensity that will provide results. To know this you should know your target heart rate. Again you can use the tools on Team Beachbody to figure your target heart rate. A good daily balance of cardio and weights would be to alternate cardio and full-body resistance training. You can also do a combination of cardio and weights on your weight training days if you so choose.
Some examples of balanced workout regimens would be the P90X program which consists of 12 workouts that include resistance training, cardio training, plyometric training, abdominal training and yoga. Of course if 90 days sounds like too much you can always start with the 21 Day Fix Extreme. This program still provides you with that amazing combination of cardio and weights, but in quick 30 minute workouts that you do for 21 days.
If you are interested in a program that has a greater amount of cardio but still provides resistance training, TurboFire is a 90 day program that would work. You always want to choose a program that best aligns what you like and your goals. Of course if you prefer to do something different every day, you can always create a hybrid of multiple programs as long as you create a good combination of weights and cardio, and still allow for appropriate muscle recovery. A great options for creating a hybrid is Beachbody On-Demand. Beachbody On-Demand gives you access to over 150 workout programs plus a coach. With an online coach and Beachbody On-Demand you can definitely get the right mix of strength-training and cardio to reach your goals.
The Importance of Flexibility and Balance
Flexibility and balance is an important part of any routine, and most of us don’t do it enough or do it at all. The more you stretch and work on flexibility and balance the quicker you will recover. This means less aches and pains, and greater results with your workouts. You will also be less likely to skip a workout because your entire body is stiff and sore.
Some strength and cardio programs already have flexibility and balance training as a part of the program. Even if they are a part of the overall program, it is still a good idea to take an extra 5-10 minutes after each workout to stretch the entire body. As you utilize flexibility and balance training you will see your overall performance improve, and that your body will truly feel better.
Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. I know you have heard that before, and we all know that not everyone feels they have the time to prepare breakfast. Some of us barely have time to find our keys, let alone brew a cup of coffee before we’re out the door and on our way to work.
You do need to remember that if you’re looking to lose weight you have to have breakfast. If time is an issue then why not try a protein packed and nutrient-dense shake? They’re fast, easy to make, and your breakfast options becomes endless with your creativity. Make breakfast a priority and get total nutrition with Shakeology from Beachbody.
It is great when you can whip up breakfast with one of these delicious shakes in LESS THAN ONE MINUTE. Shakeology is truly YOUR Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition. It is packed with incredible amounts of high quality protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes, and superfoods that your body desperately needs and craves.*
Plus, Shakeology can help to increase your energy levels, and reduce junk food cravings. Because Shakeology’s key ingredients are derived from whole food sources, your body will be able to easily absorb and utilize the nutrients immediately.
You now have everything you need to be successful!
Getting Fit
Getting Fit Together contributors are some of the brightest minds in the health, fitness, and wealth industry. Come back often to learn from our top contributors.

A Rocking Low Fat Diet Plan for You!

Let’s face it:  diets are boring, and the phrase, Rocking Low Fat Diet Plan“, it just doesn’t sound right, does it…
It doesn’t take long before you’re missing your favorite foods, wishing that you had never started this stupid plan anyway, and wondering just how many “cheat days” are acceptable before it’s considered giving up completely.  Low fat diet plans can feel particularly difficult to live with–especially if your favorite foods are bacon, chocolate, and cake (not necessarily in that order).  Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can put together a low fat diet plan that you can live with–and one that will work for you.
Don’t eliminate your favorite foods.  
Instead of denying yourself all of your favorite foods, which often leads you to splurge when you finally get the chance to eat whatever you want, consider looking for lower-fat alternatives.  For example, if your favorite meal is a big, greasy cheeseburger, check out a turkey burger instead.  Don’t think any junk food meal is complete without a heaping plate of fries?  Try this healthysweet potato fries recipe, and you might just discover a new favorite.  You’ll be surprised by how many healthy alternatives to your favorite treats there really are out there–and before you know it, you may even discover that you like the healthy alternatives better.  

A Rocking Low Fat Diet Plan for You!

Can’t find a healthy alternative to your favorite treat, or think that the “real” version tastes about a hundred times better?  Allow yourself to continue to enjoy it both regularly and in moderation.  A small taste of your favorite treat on a regular basis will help keep you from splurging when you finally do get your hands on it, and knowing that you have your favorite treat to look forward to will help keep the rest of your eating habits under control. 
Shake it up! 
Consider a meal replacement shake or smoothie option that will let you have a fantastic treat without piling on the calories.  Meal replacement shakes can be made to taste just as good as a milkshake.  Need a little help getting started with a recipe that you’ll love?  Check out our collection of 101 Healthy Shake Recipes, which will allow you to try out a new shake recipe every day if that’s what you want.  
Don’t forget your healthy fats.  
When you’re on a low-fat diet, you may be wary of consuming any fats at all.  There’s a difference, however, between “healthy fats” and “unhealthy fats,” and you should be careful to remember the difference in your diet.  Avocados and coconut oil are two examples of healthy fats that certainly shouldn’t disappear from your diet; just remember to use them in moderation.
Remember portion control.  
Restaurant meals have gotten steadily larger, as has the American idea of an acceptably-sized meal.  It’s no coincidence, either, that the average American waistline has increased along with portion size.  The linked article has some great tips on keeping your portion sizes reasonable and your waistline slimmer.  
Don’t forget to exercise.  
While the weight loss battle is ultimately won or lost in the kitchen, your activity level will have a great deal to do with your final results.  The Beachbody On Demand library has a fantastic selection of 150 streaming workout videos that you can choose at your discretion, working out at home or on the road when it’s convenient for you.  
No matter what your low fat diet plans, remember:  you’re beautiful!  While losing weight and getting in shape is a great goal, it’s important to remember that your body is beautiful just as it is, and that you are fantastic the way you are.  As you go down the road of your weight loss journey, there will be peaks and valleys, successes and failures–and all of them are part of what makes you who you are.

How To Get Fit Fast in 3 Easy Steps

Perhaps I shouldn't have read this article right now.  All it makes me want to do is eat meat and workout.  I'm starting Insanity Max 30 on Monday and I am soooo excited!

Let’s face it, our New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick quite as easily as the weight does. With summer upon us and nearly half the year over, your beach bod may not elicit the ‘wows’ you had hoped for.
But don’t sweat it. There’s still plenty of time to shape up and get fit fast. Whether your goal is tolose weight, slim down, build muscle or gain strength, this guide will help you along on the way.
Step 1: The Diet
The diet – perhaps one of the most difficult actions to take in your fitness regime. Let’s discuss the foods you should be eating, rather than the meal choices that will compromise your progress. You want foods that are full of nutrients and protein that start slimming down your waistline the moment they enter your mouth.  Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, legumes, fish and low-fat dairy products build muscle, burn fat, and keep your body well-nourished and performing optimally.
Try to eat as many of the foods below:
  • Salmon, tuna, and mackerel for muscle building proteins.
  • Yogurt and cheese strengthen your bones and fire up weight loss.
  • Spinach and kale to fight free radicals, improve muscle recovery.
  • Beans and legumes to build muscle, burn fat, and regulate digestion.
  • Beet juice for stamina, berries for satiety, grapefruit for metabolism.
  • Leans meats like turkey to build muscle and strengthen your immune system.
These foods are chock full of proteins, nutrients, and health benefits to help you get into shape faster and your muscles roaring. It goes without saying ( but let’s say it anyways ) that burgers, fries, chocolate cake and the like should be eaten sparingly, or you’ll put right back on whatever weight you lost.
With that said, sacrifices at the dinner table aren’t enough. You’re going to need to get off the couch and move.
Step 2: The Cardio
To lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit, meaning your body needs to burn off more calories than it takes in. Cardio workouts are not only the best way to create a caloric deficit and shed some pounds, but it also encourages a healthy heart, improves blood circulation, and makes your body lean.
Whether you decide to bike around your neighborhood, get some miles in on the treadmill, or swim laps in a pool, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity to reduce the risk of heart disease and fight off any gains in weight. But if you want to get lean, you’ll need to double that time to start seeing results.
Remember, your options aren’t limited to the gym: mow the lawn, play with the dog, go dancing or clean up the house are great activities to help burn calories and keep you in shape.

How To Get Fit Fast in 3 Easy Steps

Step 3: The Workouts
Now it’s time to get your body looking toned and fit. Adding strength training to your fitnessregime will enhance your metabolism, improve your strength, while helping you get lean or gain muscle mass depending on the exercise. 
To sculpt your arms, upper back, shoulders and chest you’ll need to invest in some weights or head on over to your local gym. Bench presses, shoulder presses, lunges and dips are great ways to bulk up your muscles, spike your metabolism, and get a lot stronger.  Try to do some weight training 3-4 times a week on non-cardio days. Remember to start off light, gradually adding more weight to avoid injuries, and to take a day or two off to let your body rest.
To do some belly blasting and reduce those love handles crunches, sit-ups, air bikes and Russian twists will help flatten your midsection without the need for equipment. If these are a bit mundane for you, search or ask around the gym or web for tummy toning exercises that work just as well, if not better.
To top off your fitness regime, add some yoga to the mix for a bit of mind and body exercise. Whether you join a class or practice in your living room, yoga is a great way to improve your balance, flexibility and your overall health and well-being.
Staying Motivated
Getting fit requires discipline and motivation. Getting fit fast requires the same, plus an iron-will. But both start with the right mind-set. In fact, the only obstacle preventing you from a beautiful body and exceptional health is your motivation.
Getting fit alone can quickly get frustrating. Without the right guidance and advice it can even be dangerous. But support is there.
If you’re looking for the best place to get fit fast, Beachbody On Demand provides hundreds of online workouts proven to get you burn off calories and get you ripped. You can stream all the world-class programs right from your computer, get unique meal plans customized to your goals, and  connect with others, so you don’t have to do it alone.  
It’s a great way to stay motivated. On top of that, you’ll get your own personal coach for one-on-one guidance and support to help you get fit even faster.!429

7 Tips for Busy Moms: How to Exercise at Home

This article has some great tips on trying to squeeze in workouts at home.  My only complaint is the title.  No need to put "busy" as a descriptor in front of the word mom.  All moms are busy.

By  on May 2, 2015
When it comes to stay-at-home or work-at-home moms, knowing how to exercise at home is often not just a matter of timing, but setting your environment, arranging something for your children while you are exercising, and planning out both warm-up and recovery routines. With so much thought required for home exercise, many moms do not take the time to exercise, even though they know the health benefits: physical, emotional and mental. 
With the issues faced by moms in mind, these 7 tips will help you take the time to exercise without undue stress:
1. Schedule – There is a reason the best classrooms have regular periods every day, predictable activities and more. There is also a reason kids complain any time a new teacher or substitute messes with the plan. Schedules are comforting and predictable, and ensure that life will have some structure to work around. When you are beginning a home exercise routine, it is important that it becomes a part of your regular schedule. If you have school age children, fit it in in the morning after they have gotten out to school. With younger children, exercise during nap times or quiet time. 
2. Set the Environment – In the busy living spaces we call home, there is rarely space to set up a complete exercise room. But, moms can set the environment by putting exercise materials out by some open floor space. Pick space which will not interfere with other family activities when you do your regular exercising. 
3. Set Your Goals – Exercise is an important part of healthy living, but the vague goal of “being healthy” is rarely enough to overcome the challenges to a regular home exercise routine. What motivates you to workout needs to be measurable (lose 30 pounds, run a marathon) and have a time frame. Without the motivation from a great goal, you will not overcome your natural inertia.

7 Tips for Busy Moms: How to Exercise at Home

4. Involve Others – As a parent, there are two groups of people who can help you exercise, free of charge. Friends and your family. Some moms don’t have enough time with their children, some don’t have enough time with their friends. Let that desire for fellowship push your daily activity. Whether it is planning that parent/child run your teenager has been begging you for, or taking a morning jog with a friend, the companion will inspire you to continue exercising, and vice-versa. With modern technology, you can not only connect with friends and family through home-based exercise routines, but also connect with nutrition and fitness coach on mobile computing devices. 
5. Regular Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines – Often a big obstacle to in home workouts is the mental energy it takes to decide what to do. With regular stretching and warm-up routines at the beginning of your exercise, you will have time to calm down and focus on what your exercise goals are. With a regular cool-down routine, you will be able to take time to plan how to do the rest of your day, without stressing about how to cool down. Don’t forget that your cool-down and recovery program needs to include quick nutrition like a quality shake.
6. Plan Nutrition – From the cool-down recovery program to your regular meals and snacks, nutrition is a key part of any exercise planning system. Get rid of the sugary and fatty snacks: yogurt, nuts and fruit, and cheese are all healthy, easy alternatives to the candy and bagged goods (chips, pretzels, etc) which moms so often use. Our “101 Healthy Shake Recipes” is a great free resource for building your nutrition. 
7. Plan on Failing – Whether you are just starting home based exercise or are a pro, the secret to a great program is it makes you stretch. The important thing about stretch goals is you often don’t hit them. This is a positive thing: you can learn how to better plan, set more appropriate goals and gain better health. Do not beat yourself up when you do not hit your goals, when your exercise takes too much out of you or when family gets in the way. Rest, recuperate, learn, and get back in the saddle. 
An exercise at home routine is only one decision away, so why not start your work outs today?!429

Coconut Oil…Is It a Good Oil?

I've definitely started to use coconut oil for a lot in the kitchen, even as a lotion.  I haven't tried it as a conditioner yet but that's on the list.  What is your favorite way to use coconut oil?

By Mel Batterman
It seems daily I have people contacting me about my thoughts on coconut oil… Is it a good oil?I am sure that you have seen coconut oil be more prominent in nutrition articles and other nutritional information. You may have also seen in be incorporated into nutritional shake recipes and specific nutritional plans.
Since I get questions often and there is so much information flooding all aspects of media, I thought I should set a few things straight by providing some proper information.
Coconut Oil…Is It a Good Oil?
Coconut oil is one of the only oils that could be classified under the “Superfood” Category. Coconut oil has a unique combination of fatty acids, which have been found to have positive effects on the body, brain function, and more.
In the past coconut oil has been classified as not being a nutritionally sound food because it is 90% saturated fat. Recently studies have changed this thought process because these saturated fatty acids are so different from the standard saturated fats found in red meat, cheeses, and other high saturated fat foods.
The saturated fats in coconut oil are actually MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Since they are medium versus long, like most other saturated fats the body processes and metabolizes this fat differently. Which means that when digested they go directly to the liver to be used at energy versus being processed just as a fat that could potentially cause artery clogging issues.
Knowing that coconut oil metabolizes into energy and may potentially increase your overall energy expenditure by 5% over a 24 hour period makes this oil a cut above the rest. Research has also suggested that this overall heightened energy expenditure may help the body burn off more stored fats both in the adipose tissue (external fat), as well as the visceral fat (internal fat).
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Another interesting feature that has been found with coconut oil is that is seems to have a hunger suppressant quality to it. In a recent study done of men consuming a teaspoon of coconut oil at breakfast per day over a fourteen day period, found that on average their consumption of calories decreased by 256 calories per day.
Both of these studies can be very promising when many nutritional plans are starting to implement coconut oil into the overall plan.
The truth is coconut oil can really provide some extra advantages when added appropriately to your nutritional plan, and is clearly a much better oil choice overall for cooking and consumption.
 These reasons and more is why you may see coconut oil in some of our Beachbody nutrition programs that are associated with some of our top fitness programs. A couple of examples of programs that you will see coconut oil in the nutrition plan is the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme. In the 3-Day shred portion of the 21 day fix, coconut oil is consumed 4-5 times per day. In the 21 Day Fix Extreme Count Down to Competition you will see coconut oil as a part of the program daily.!429