And the race is on...Ready Set Go!

35 Quotes That Will Help Set Your Weeks Intentions

I tend do view the Tuesday after Labor Day as my last chance to get moving on my New Year's resolutions if I really want to get them finished.  There is a little more than a quarter left in the year, so really there is plenty of time.  What's a to-do list without a a deadline.  Just a wish list if you ask me.  Time to do a re-evaluation of my list and see how I've done so far.

Complete 2 Half marathons, 1 15k, 3 5ks, 1 10k  (All but the 10k are on the calendar.)-  Okay, I did 1 15k, 1 half marathon, 1 5k and I'm hoping to do one more. 
Complete 21 Day Fix Extreme and Insanity Max 30- Done and Done!
Run 730 miles.- Sort of lost count and of course, I've lost the last two months with no running.
Walk 10,000 steps per day.- Working on it every day!

Use all of my volunteer/pro bono days at work.- I've used one half of one which means I still have 3.5 left.  I better get to it.   
Involve my family in 1 community service project per month.- I haven't done one project per month but I we have been pretty active and we' still have a lot planned for the year. 

Incorporate essential oils into our families lives, at the very least into cleaning supplies.- I was gung ho about this at the beginning of the year and I need to get back on the horse. 
Create a dream board.- So may parts of a dream board but no dream board. 
Incorporate meditation into my daily routine.- Mediation is not part of my daily routine but it has become a small part of my life.  Still working on it. 

Take better care of my skin, specifically, hands, face, and neck- Slowly but surely.

Organize boys memory boxes.- Check!
Update the baby books,- Oh no.  This would take me one just to find that one afternoon.
Make the following photo books:  Alexander year 1, Year of 2014, Honeymoon, European vacation.- Uh-oh.  Better get moving on this. 
Organizing filing- No but as of two days ago I got my second filing cabinet in two weeks so I am on my way.  

Start playing the oboe again- Totally forgot this was on my to do list.  

Complete Pop Sugar Reading Challenge- I've sort of changed my goal to just read all the books at the Verona Library book sale.  I'm not too bad but I better turn off the computer and get reading. 
10 minutes of Personal Development Each Day- Yes!  This has been amazing!
Complete nutrition/diet courses.- No and this is my biggest concern.  I need to figure out how much time I need to complete these courses and how many hours per week I need to devote to this.  
Learn how to take good photos of the family with more than just an iPhone.- Nope. :(
Be consistent with posting on this very blog more often.- Yes!  (As evidenced by this post.)

On a side note, these are my personal goals.  My professional goals and financial goals will be in another post when I talk more about my dream board...or when I figure them out.  Well okay, here are a few.

Take my Beachbody business to the next level (One Star Diamond) by continuing to help others.- On track! But should this goal be bigger?
Evaluate my current job to make sure I find it fulfilling.- Yes!
Pay off Private Law School loans.- Yes!
Figure out where the extra payment from the law school loans should go.- No I've just been enjoying not cutting it so close but this money needs to be given more purpose.  (Like paying off those government loans.)
Incorporate Dave Ramsey's Plan into our house.- Baby steps but want to have a big game plan before the end of the year.

Okay, so this wasn't so bad after all.  I still have a lot to do but nothing a few focused afternoons home without kids can't fix.  I am so glad I took this time to refocus and I'm not waiting until the last minute.

How are your resolutions coming along?