Goals...Just some dreams but with steps

Oh my goodness.  How did it get to be the end of January already I haven't even made my goals official?  This year I have big plans, mainly because last year I had big plans and by putting them out there I actually reached so many of those goals.  It was sort of amazing.  Last year was the first year that instead of just saying something like "I want to be more healthy" or even "I will run more" I actually laid out plans and made a to-do list.  I started super big, and broad with my thoughts and then just made them more specific with steps.  So without further adieu, in no particular order, although bunched together in the way my mind works, here are my goals for this year.

Complete 2 Half marathons, 1 15k, 3 5ks, 1 10k  (All but the 10k are on the calendar.)
Complete 21 Day Fix Extreme and Insanity Max 30
Run 730 miles.
Walk 10,000 steps per day.

Use all of my volunteer/pro bono days at work.  
Involve my family in 1 community service project per month.  

Incorporate essential oils into our families lives, at the very least into cleaning supplies.
Create a dream board.
Incorporate meditation into my daily routine.  

Take better care of my skin, specifically, hands, face, and neck

Organize boys memory boxes.
Update the baby books,
Make the following photo books:  Alexander year 1, Year of 2014, Honeymoon, European vacation.
Organizing filing,

Start playing the oboe again

10 minutes of Personal Development Each Day
Complete nutrition/diet courses.
Learn how to take good photos of the family with more than just an iPhone.
Be consistent with posting on this very blog more often.

On a side note, these are my personal goals.  My professional goals and financial goals will be in another post when I talk more about my dream board...or when I figure them out.  Well okay, here are a few.

Take my Beachbody business to the next level (One Star Diamond) by continuing to help others.
Evaluate my current job to make sure I find it fulfilling. 
Pay off Private Law School loans.
Figure out where the extra payment from the law school loans should go.
Incorporate Dave Ramsey's Plan into our house.