Motivational Monday: Your First Step!

So many times I see inspirational quotes about taking the first step.  "The first step is the hardest."  Often times, the first step is the hardest because we think it needs to be a huge step. If you want to lose weight, is your first step to eat healthier or exercise?  What does eating healthy mean?  What kind of exercise?  There are so many questions that paralyze us before we even take the first step.

This is why I encourage you to make the first step a baby step.  A tiny little baby step.  You want to eat healthy?  Don't worry about a run to Whole Foods or revamping your entire eating plan.  If you put 2 tsps of sugar in your morning coffee, put 1.  If you put 1, put 1/2 tsp.  If you drink two sodas a day, drink 1 soda and 1 water.  If your goal is a big one, like running a marathon but you've only run 3 miles, run 3.5 and see how you feel.  Heck, run 3.1 miles.  The first step is only scary if it is big.  The big scary first step holds us all back.  Make the first step small, baby, simple.

Changing your life only takes one small step.  What is your first step to healthier you?