The next two weeks are filled with fun, stress, fun, food, and perhaps a little more stress. The best chance we have, I think, of getting out of it happy and joyful are to follow a few tiny tips. Here are my top ten healthy holiday eating tips to help get you through the holidays:
- Set goals. First things first – think about what you want to achieve. Where you want to be. How you want to feel. Do you want to look back and think, “I never met a Christmas cookie I didn’t like”? Or do you want to think, “I had a season of moderation.” There is no wrong answer. Just set those goals, and figure out how to achieve them. If you do have aspirational goals you want to accomplish over the next few weeks, WRITE THEM DOWN and put them somewhere that you will see them every day, like on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator door. Even better, write them down and TELL SOMEONE.
- Drink water. Water is an amazing, filling, and calorie-free drink. Drink 1 glass of water when you wake up each day, 1 glass of water before you go to sleep each night, and 2 glasses of water before you feast. It will help curb your appetite and keep you hydrated, which is great for keeping your body running on strange food and less sleep, which brings me to my next tip . . .
- Sleep. Very few people get enough sleep in the best of times, but come the holiday season, we all cut into our sleep to gain extra time (she says while typing this way past her bedtime). However, it’s sleep that will keep you feeling fresh and stress-free when you are in line at a store with hungry kids at the end of the day.
- Make a plan for the party. There are so many ideas about how to approach a party, but the key is to have a plan. A good start is to never go to a party hungry. (Perhaps a nutrient dense shake would help curb your appetite.) Fill at least half of your plate with foods from the veggie tray to keep away from the bacon-wrapped cheese. Grab a smaller plate and fill that baby up – since it’s smaller, you’re already ahead of the game. Take a healthy dish to potluck parties so you know at least one thing is good for you.
- Don’t drink your calories. But you love eggnog? But you love champagne? Great! Drink it up. Just don’t drink it all the time, every day. Oh and those yummy, delicious, sugar-filled lattes? Treat yourself to one. Or two. Just not one or two every single day.
- Enjoy your food. Wait, what?! You just said to eat less on teeny, tiny plates and only drink water. Well, not really, but the fact is this lovely holiday season only comes around once a year. Enjoy it! Make a list of your favorite treats and let yourself enjoy each one once or twice rather than every day. Eat only what you think you can’t – or don’t want to – live without. Your Aunt’s favorite dessert that she only makes once a year? Definitely. A roll? Not unless it’s the best holiday roll ever and you only get it once a year. It’s all about balance. And speaking of balance . . .
- Eat normally. That’s right; when you’re not at a party, eat normally. If that means you eat healthy, then please do eat healthy. Even better, make healthy substitutions when you’re cooking whenever possible. Don’t skip meals. Just eat your food, fuel your body, and keep moving.
- Keep moving. Stick to your exercise schedule. If you’re taking a break from training, then keep moving every day in some way or another. Plan to get in an early morning walk or workout before the day gets busy, or plan an after-dinner evening walk. No excuses. If you can’t get a 3-mile run in, get in a 10-mile walk. If you can’t get your 60-minute body beast session in, do a mini at-home workout. Heck, if you’re really desperate, park far away from the entrance from the mall when you’re shopping.
- Take time. Whether it is 5 minutes for a daily practice like reading, meditating, or stretching, or just a few stolen moments of quiet time to yourself, take it! If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Make sure you have something left to give by taking time for yourself.
- Enjoy yourself. Do not stress yourself out. One piece of cake does not a huge weight gain make. Moderation is the key in December, just as it’s the key every day of the year. Keep your accomplishments in mind, as well as your goals. Don’t waste your time weighing yourself – just keep an eye on making sure your clothes still feel comfortable. If you’re tempted to go over what you planned, reach out to a buddy or a friend who knows your goals and will help you achieve them. That’s what friends are for: both sharing an appetizer and walking away from one.