First Friday Faves

If you are not in the summer spirit, I ask you, why not?

With only one month left of summer (at least before school starts) here are a few things to help you get in the summer spirit fast.  

(and yes I realize its mostly food)

1. Trader Joe's All Beef Hot Dogs

Nothing says summer like eating a hot dog.  These hot dogs have all the good stuff and none of the bad stuff. 

2. Pedicures

Summer season means flip flops season and that means time for a pedicure.  Enjoy a pedicure and give a little back to raise funds for organ donation.

3.  Watermelon

While strawberries are my favorite fruit to me watermelon is the perfect thing to eat when its just too hot to eat anything else.  Plus it makes the best slushies.  

(Stay tuned for a watermelon recipe or two.) 

4.  Beach Reads

Grab a good book that's a quick read and doesn't make you think too much, just enough.  A romance isn't a bad place to start and Emily Giffin has a new book and  never disappoints. 

5.  Fireworks

Did you miss the 4th of July?  Don't worry.  Fireworks happen all summer long.  Grab the schedule of your local baseball team and I'll bet you'll find at least one more night to got watch fireworks.