The Hunt for the best Paleo Pancakes

Reading the grocery flyers this week (I read them every week, but especially when I'm preparing to stock my freezer) I saw the advertisement that I love to see at the beginning of every summer...Blueberries on sale!  In our house we can polish off a pint of blueberries without thinking twice but what we all love are blueberry pancakes.  

This is my first summer following a paleo lifestyle and I refuse to make my family pancakes without enjoying them myself.  Unfortunately the paleo pancakes I have found have been less than impressive.  Hence, then hunt for the best paleo pancakes.  I am determined to find ones that both the family and I love allowing me to partake in a favorite family tradition (Sunday pancakes) and enjoy one of the best things about New Jersey, their blueberries!

The below pancakes were very tasty.  A little thinner than I like and unfortunately because of that I put the blueberries on top rather than inside the pancakes.  The kiddo ate about half the pancake and then stated he didn't like them.  I'm pretty sure he was just bored with them and wanted to each straight blueberries, so I don't trust his opinion.  While, these pancakes provide a great jumping off point but certainly are not going to compete with non-paleo pancakes.  

Coconut Flour Pancakes

 Serves 4 Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 6 minutes  (each batch)
Total Time: about 20 minutes


1/4 cup coconut flour
1 tsp baking soda
dash of salt
4 eggs 
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp honey
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk

1.  In a medium bowl combine coconut flour, baking soda and salt and stir with a fork.  In a separate bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients.  Pour wet mixture in to dry ingredients and mix until no lumps remain.

2. Heat greased pan.  Make 2-3 inch sized pancakes.  Keep enough space between the pancakes to ensure they do not run together.  Cook the pancakes for 2-3 minutes or until they are bubbling.  Flip pancakes and cook for another 2 minutes.   

3. Serve with blueberries, blueberry sauce or almond butter.  (We did almond butter and chopped blueberries).